RIU has been my favorite since I joined back in 2011. I'm also registered on like 6 other sites, but never go on any of them. ICmag isn't bad, but it's hard to get enough rep to even post or message people there. They have a very seemingly strict rule set which says that if you aren't an established member of THEIR community, you can't post, msg or do anything besides read. Grasscity is just filled with immature children who know as much about growing as they don't know. That site is all rumors and bad idea's if you ask me. That's the site I go to ask questions at when I don't care about feeling embarrassed. I'm established with a good rep on this site, grasscity is a joke, so I treat it like one. Riddlem3 was a good site. An RIU user made it, but I haven't been on in years, and I think my account was deleted. But yeah, i'd just stick to RIU, and hopefully they'll have their issues dealt with soon enough. It still is, and hopefully always will be, my home site for growing information. [br][br][br] And regarding the nursery, i'm really excited. Shame you don't live in the north west where I live, else I could give you my discount.

In any case though, it might help me meet other growers here in the valley.