18/6 or 24 Veg Timing


Well-Known Member
Which one? Just upgraded my lighting, think ill go with 18/6 to save a little $. But is there a noticeable difference?


Well-Known Member
From what I have read, there is no growth development between 18/6 and 24/0. The only difference is the increase of $$$ to keep the lights going. I havn't done an experiment myself, so I can't tell you from personal experience, just from what I've read.


Well-Known Member
You end up with about 7 days worth of light more in a month on 24. I've grown both ways & now I do 24 in my veg room. It will take a little long for preflowers to appear but they definitely grow more.


Well-Known Member
I use a 1000 watter. I noticed 18/6 works best. Perhaps it makes a difference with high wattage bulbs.


Well-Known Member
so if im usin a bunch of cfls i should just stick with 24 to guarantee the most light?


Well-Known Member
go to 24 hours light
i use cfls also
and i switched to 24/0 from 18/6 and totally noticed the difference
it grows faster, and beautiful