18/6 veg cycle, or 16/8 cycle?


Well-Known Member
hey, i was wondering how big of a diffence would it be in growing in veg cycle in a 16/8 hr cycle, and a 18/6 cycle? due to heating problems i have to switch it to 16/8, and i was wondering if i would still get a pretty big yelid as i would ina 18/6? i have always just did 18/6 so i don`t know..Anyone who does, or has did a 16/8 cycle all the way though veg, please give me some insight here. any help would be greatly appriciated.


New Member
i dont see why it would hurt but im not sure never did the 16/8 b4.. try it n find out.. ppl do all kinds of crazy light regiments..


Well-Known Member
You should stick with 18/6 since it's the basic answer for all our light cycle needs. Also, I read somewhere than between 16/8, 18/6, 20/4, 24/0, 20/0 seemed to be the cycle of most beneifit. Read it a few months ago, sorry I can't get into more details with that!

Cheers :)


Well-Known Member
what type of lights your using cuase if its cfl there supposed to be on 24/7
How does CFL light have a different affect than HID light on light cycle? To me that doesn't make sense.

On a side note, I also remember seeing a thread claiming 20/4 had the best yield, with 18/6 providing 88.5% of the results as 20/4. But not only can I not find it now, I also don't know how reliable their experiments were.


Well-Known Member
hey, i was wondering how big of a diffence would it be in growing in veg cycle in a 16/8 hr cycle, and a 18/6 cycle? due to heating problems i have to switch it to 16/8, and i was wondering if i would still get a pretty big yelid as i would ina 18/6? i have always just did 18/6 so i don`t know..Anyone who does, or has did a 16/8 cycle all the way though veg, please give me some insight here. any help would be greatly appriciated.

veg for 18/6 if you can 24/0


I have it in my bedroom so Its so hard 2 sleep with a glowing 600wt light in my face so I switched it up a little I did 17/7 wich sounds wierd but mad It must have worked cause I had an amazing turn out I am very new to this so not saying I am 100% right but it worked good


Active Member
im doing a 16/8 veg ... my girls are looking lovely ... i did this by accident ... had a stoner moment when setting my timers... but they are growing great ... try it .... im on the start of my last week of veg and they are at about 14 inches tall :)


i've been thinking about taking mine to 16/8 because that's what my peppers require to grow. I also want a high temp sativa strain that can withstand 85 degrees all day long. I love my weed, but growing peppers is a fucking a art!


Well-Known Member
I know this thread is ancient...but, having just received a gifted Pulse One monitor, I noticed the Veg Template suggests 16 hour light cycle. Gonna try this out for a grow just to test the waters.