18 day old girls.


Well-Known Member
These ladies were transplanted 2 days from from their 4” starter pots into 1 gallon and they already have roots coming out the bottom. They are working fast. Makes me happy. I am raising these ladies as mothers to get earlier clones for the upcoming outdoor season. As I have never raised a plant for clones do I need to bother with low stress training, topping anything? Also just wanted to give a shout out glad I found this place y’all are so helpful. Keep on growing.

Coco coir and the GH flora grow system. Thinking of switching to the Lucas formula. Anyone see anything I should be alarmed with or keep an eye on. I’ve only ever grown from clones so this is a first. Unless you count my tomatoes and veggie garden. Advice help criticism welcome


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Well-Known Member
Do you have any experience growing in coco?
No coco is a new venture. I use pro mix bx for my outdoor and treat it as soilless cause I was told it is. Everything I’m doing with this coco has just been lots and lots of research and advice from some friends who grow indoor. I think I’m doing it right. I water till runoff always test my ph religiously. And doing ppm on feed going in and runoff coming out. Gonna be honest it’s a tad tricky keeping runoff in the same range. Sorry long ass response for NO I have not.


Well-Known Member
You're wasting your time monitoring the ppm of your run off........I never check mine.......pH either. You'll just be constantly chasing your tail.
The only time you would need to check it would be if you developed a problem.......but if you always feed to run off you won't have any salt build up which would be the only reason to check it.
I feed daily to run off during veg using a pH around 6.0........twice a day in flower.
I never give plain water and I never let the coco get dry.
But that's just me.

Good luck.


Well-Known Member
You're wasting your time monitoring the ppm of your run off........I never check mine.......pH either. You'll just be constantly chasing your tail.
The only time you would need to check it would be if you developed a problem.......but if you always feed to run off you won't have any salt build up which would be the only reason to check it.
I feed daily to run off during veg using a pH around 6.0........twice a day in flower.
I never give plain water and I never let the coco get dry.
But that's just me.

Good luck.
Okay, gotta admit the run off checks are a hassle. I was on the plan of flushing every 4 feedings because I’m afraid of the salt. But I may relax that since I’m starting to trust the system I’m using to not nuke them. Appreciate the advice.


Well-Known Member
I think a lot of people are overthinking this.. this plant is 18 days old, I have only watered it twice in 18 days, it has no nutes, it's in a 32c room, in 80-90% humidity. Just let them grow and don't worry too much about all the ph and nutrients yet.

KISS. At 18 days, the plants probably don't need anything.

The photo of the budding plant is from my back yard. Never watered bar rain, in 32-35c summer and 80-90% humidity. No nutes whatsoever, and no training.



Well-Known Member
I think a lot of people are overthinking this.. this plant is 18 days old, I have only watered it twice in 18 days, it has no nutes, it's in a 32c room, in 80-90% humidity. Just let them grow and don't worry too much about all the ph and nutrients yet.

KISS. At 18 days, the plants probably don't need anything.

The photo of the budding plant is from my back yard. Never watered bar rain, in 32-35c summer and 80-90% humidity. No nutes whatsoever, and no training.
That’s awesome!! I may be, probably am but I’m learning and having fun. Wish it was outdoor season here. Maine has a single digit night a few nights ago. I’ve never done indoor and I’m probably just trying to recreate outdoors as perfectly as I can. And going overboard like you said. I’m happy as long as I’m not killing it. My indoor experience will come with time. Good luck!!


Well-Known Member
I think a lot of people are overthinking this.. this plant is 18 days old, I have only watered it twice in 18 days, it has no nutes, it's in a 32c room, in 80-90% humidity. Just let them grow and don't worry too much about all the ph and nutrients yet.

KISS. At 18 days, the plants probably don't need anything.

The photo of the budding plant is from my back yard. Never watered bar rain, in 32-35c summer and 80-90% humidity. No nutes whatsoever, and no training.
Also dang wish I was getting that kind of humidity even with my humidifier. My house is 20% and my grow tent is a struggle to keep at 50-60%


Well-Known Member
That’s awesome!! I may be, probably am but I’m learning and having fun. Wish it was outdoor season here. Maine has a single digit night a few nights ago. I’ve never done indoor and I’m probably just trying to recreate outdoors as perfectly as I can. And going overboard like you said. I’m happy as long as I’m not killing it. My indoor experience will come with time. Good luck!!
My first time indoor as well. Normally I just chuck a seed in the dirt and let it grow, and it has always worked well for me. I went into my first indoor grow with the mentality that I would go worst case scenario, water it with tap water, no nutes, and cheap potting mix just to see what the worst case scenario will be, and I have ended up with the best plant I have ever grown. It was blew my mind.


Well-Known Member
My first time indoor as well. Normally I just chuck a seed in the dirt and let it grow, and it has always worked well for me. I went into my first indoor grow with the mentality that I would go worst case scenario, water it with tap water, no nutes, and cheap potting mix just to see what the worst case scenario will be, and I have ended up with the best plant I have ever grown. It was blew my mind.
[/QUOTI’m so happy for you. I went the complete opposite direction. Don’t get me wrong I’m pleased with my results too. At least it’s a new hobby I’m enjoying and it’s keeping me busy while I’m forced to work from home and go stir crazy. I’m a lot more laid back with my outdoor grows but I do need earlier clones. There was such a run on them here last year I didn’t get my last six until the end of July almost August. Kind of fucked my growing season a bit.


Well-Known Member
Also dang wish I was getting that kind of humidity even with my humidifier. My house is 20% and my grow tent is a struggle to keep at 50-60%
I can't imagine anything under 50%. Queensland is insane. I don't know how I managed this...the first week of growth was 35-37c inside my room (98f) and has been 27c/ 100% humidity the last week.

I have a dehumidifier, but it's that humid it doesn't even work right now, it only works up to 80% humidity, over that and it does nothing. The benefit is that I don't have to water lol. Won't be good for flower though, so I'll have to figure out a way to get humidity down to 50ish for flower.


Well-Known Member
That’s so sticky!!! We only get humidity like that for a week in the summer. But winters are bone dry. Dry skin, cracked lips, cold misery. Well whatever you’re doing keep it up it’s working. I’m gonna try your method on my next grow and see how it goes lol.


Well-Known Member
That’s awesome!! I may be, probably am but I’m learning and having fun. Wish it was outdoor season here. Maine has a single digit night a few nights ago. I’ve never done indoor and I’m probably just trying to recreate outdoors as perfectly as I can. And going overboard like you said. I’m happy as long as I’m not killing it. My indoor experience will come with time. Good luck!!
Outdoor /indoor way different bro