18 days for my plants


Well-Known Member
Wanted to post some pics of my plants and get some comments.

Each plant has 2 CFL, 27W each, 6500k temperature pumping 3200 lumens

1 and 2 are AK48
3 and 4 are Power Skunk (these are actually 15 days)

They are on 24/0 cycle and temps are 77-80 degrees with 30% humidity

#3 is a bit behind the other three but seems nice and green. I see alittle bit of yellow and I bet it is my tap water I am using (my pH meter is not here yet).

I am growing in MG (MG potting soil mixed with MG perlite 2:1 ratio)

Comments are greatly appreciated!!!



Well-Known Member
looks like your off to a good start.. figure out a watering schedule and stick with it.. it will grow nicely


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys. Looks like I am going with watering them once a week, seems like 64oz of water is a nice amount for them at this stage or at least for the next few weeks. I was thinking of going 20/4 to start some more growing.

Would you guys do the same (they are on 24/0 now).



Well-Known Member
I try to feel the pot and push my finger in if its dry dry i water sometimes two days sometimes three. But they need water to grow so make sure to check!!


Well-Known Member
I am not using any nutes as I know that the MG stuff has nutes in it. They are not even three weeks yet and I figured that once they all turn 3 weeks I can start to think about using nutes. I dunno if I should/would unless I see (well if you all can tell me) they are deficient in anything. First grow and I am still figuring out the nute thing.

Just took some more pics. This was after watering them yesterday and they grew a good amount.
1 and 2 are ak48
3 and 4 are power skunk

1 is 19 days old
2,3 and 4 are 15 days old.



Well-Known Member
using MG soil allows you to be easy on the additional nutes.. remember the bag of MG tells you the amount of slow release in each bag. Most MG is Nitrogen really and P. You shouldnt have to add anything untill the flowering stage... But hey If you see a problem try to figure it out and and use the forums page to look at problem faqs.. Ive used MG and MG organic. My new grow is with MG moisture control. Still has the nitrogen but it uses better soil product to maintain the plants need for water and oxygen


Well-Known Member
I think I have a few more weeks before I flower. I want to flower when they are about 10" (they are 3" now more or less"). By then I will have a tent with the hps and odor control in place. I want to make sure I get some nice nutes but easy for a noob. I hear FoxFarms (the FloraBloom one) is great which I think I can get around here but not sure.

I would start 1/4 dose first week then 1/2 dose second week (I think I would only water twice a week anyway so I would alternate, water, feed) and work my way up. Something like that.

I will use either foxfarm organic (if I can get it around here) or the MG moisture control (since I saw it here already) with the MG perlite mix I am using now.