18 plants in one pot


Active Member
so i have a friend trying to pull off 18 plant in a 5-6 gallon pot will please someone explain why this wont work ive tried everything to convince him this shit will not work and just throw it out theyve all grown above 2 inches and ge thinks hes the shit, but as they age problems will surface. so who wants to start?


Well-Known Member
they will all fight for nutrients, the stronger plants will just take over and the others will be useless. If they arent even sexed yet then that might help him out by reducing the amount of plants in the pot but either way hes kinda a dumbass if he was thinking he was going for maximum yeild lol


Well-Known Member
like this can work but hes going to have to flower them sooner then he will want to make it pointful. if he just veges for like 2 months hes going to want to transplant to flower if everything is still going fine by then


Active Member
haha thank u!! now i can shed some insight on him..i dont want him to fail i just want him to do it the right way


Well-Known Member
[420]Haze;7177344 said:
sit your mate down, give him a coke and tell him to stfu.
haha yes do this. I hear yuh man ya just dont want him to waste his time etc etc etc and etc lol.. i hav a friend like this who i was trying to teach, very stubborn guy lol, he learned.. he got tons of tiny tiny little buds when i got big fat sticky ones, all in the same grow just did our plants our own ways lol


Active Member
ive grown some really good about a month ago its currently curing and it already has me on my ass in one bowl i still wanna keep it in the jar for another 2-3 months then smoke me a blunt..in fact il smoke one with my buddie and show him what proper knowledge and care can do to a mj plant


Well-Known Member
this soil or hydro? I did 5 huge plants in a 5 gallon bucket in dwc, only 2 of them were really worthy of chopping ( and they did pretty good) . I had it connected to an ebb monster controller is the ONLY way I would have been able to keep up with the water it used. here's a photo or two............
I've done 8 easily with 0 veg time in one 5 gallon bucket, they didn't do too bad either, but 18 is a little excessive for 5-6 gallon no matter how you look at it.



Well-Known Member
I know its ugly as fuck but the bud came out real nice on the two chemdawg, the others I trashed, after they hit the bubble bags anyway.