18' wide 28' long 8' high 6g for a start up


At first i was gonna but the big buddhe box grow room or the 9x9 gorilla grow tent kit but after ready alot of threads how its way over priced i changed my mind. Im trying to have a fully auto mated system and got alot of room to play with a a few grand to use. I want to veg only for a few days than flower right away. Hoping someone could help me piece together a setup thanks!!!!


Well-Known Member
i would start by well lets say google or bing or ask.com anything of that nature will take you money..


I'm thinking you got too damn much money.
what you mean lol i mean i know i can put one together for way way less but i rather just buy it when its already done. if mean if it do what its post to do youll make your money back the first year right


Well-Known Member
Yeah, keep thinking that. You can, but that doesn't mean you will. And there's more to it that just throwing money at it.


Well-Known Member
No matter how much you spend, there is still going to be some sort of work involved unless your talking automated feeding systems, huge res with a float valve to fill up when getting low and get the nutrient ppm right along with ph and a whole mess of other things. It can be done, but if I were you, I would just buy a a dozen 1000w ballasts and splitters for each and hire an electrician so you don't burn your house down.

I agree though, you have way too much money to spend. I'm not gonna tell you not to waste your cash on pointless, overpriced things. Have fun and maybe google the KISS method of growing. It might pique your interest lol. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
No system is 100% automated really. You still have to make nutrient solution, check for deficiencies, pH, ppm, EC, controlling growth, pruning, growing techniques . If you've never grown before I recommend you save your money and start small, you throw all that money at it you're going to end up being disappointed.

It's really not as simple as spend money wait 3 months have tons of bud, I wish it was... but it isn't.