180w led to big ?


Well-Known Member
Hey im growing in a 4 feet tall. 2 feed large grow box and currently using a 250w cfl light and would like to upgrade to a 180w led and was wondering if it would be to much ? I am also wondering if led light get really hot ?


Well-Known Member
Are you good with tools?
Can't you consider diy cxb 3590?
You could have a very good 200w pannel for 350 $(you can aim gpw!)
Have a great day ★


Well-Known Member
150 watts of efficient LED would suit your space fine (30 watts/sqft) But none of the cheap panels available will satisfy your needs as there very inefficient. Best bet would be a DIY panel. @BM9AGS are you sure about that claim (250 watts CFL outperforming 180 watts of efficient LED?)


Well-Known Member
I don't know how many gpw the CFL guys are pulling but let's assume 1gpw. For the 180 watts of LED to equal the CFL it would have to produce 1.39gpw which is not unlikely with good LED tech.


Well-Known Member
150 watts of efficient LED would suit your space fine (30 watts/sqft) But none of the cheap panels available will satisfy your needs as there very inefficient. Best bet would be a DIY panel. @BM9AGS are you sure about that claim (250 watts CFL outperforming 180 watts of efficient LED?)
No bro.
See the link of the LED paper weight he provided as what he's thinking:


Well-Known Member
I agree with @BM9AGS the CFL's will outdo these blurple lights. Better to spend your money of 3-4 Cree CXB3070/3590 COB's and Meanwell HLG-120H-C1400 (for 3 COB's) or Meanwell HLG-185H-C1400 (for 4 COB's)

Michael Huntherz

Well-Known Member
Are you sure ? Every grow journal with led weems to have way better yield with led light.
Use both CFL and LED. Do it, be happy.
Vent the heat, but yeah, run them both.

Here's my LED + fluoros from this morning. (The plant in the front left is a newby to the flower tent, an auto, but the rest are quite mature, coming down in ~2 weeks.

You won't get a meaningful answer without sharing the light you're looking at, too much variation. I ran 2 "300W" blurple LEDs in a 4'x2' but the actual draw from the wall is 137 Watts (you'll have to measure this yourself to get a real answer, manufacturers are generally full of shit on this point) - I still supplemented with CFL. Make a good decision first, share details, put up with our elitist shit about COBs or you'll by everything more than once, like me and probably most folks here.


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Well-Known Member
It really boils down to DIY or how much you want to spend.
because the light you were looking at was priced something like 130 maple dollars you're not likely going to be interested in legit lights. So either DIY or stick with what you got and more of it. You're only working 2x2x4" so it must be just personal. You'll be fine with what you can do for your money and space. Only legit option you have is DIY but you're still only working a small space.