1st Aeroponic Grow using AeroFarm from GHE


Heya all. Ok this is my first Aeroponic Grow Journal.

I am using the following specs:

45L AeroFarm (maximum 5 plants)
400W HPS Light
Canna Nutrients (Grow A+B and Bloom A+B)
Blow Fan (No extractor :( )



Week 1:

I have some seeds I organised but unfortunately the strain is unknown. I have also ordered New York Power Diesel and Aurora seeds from Nirvana but I just couldnt wait to get started.

Germinated seeds using the paper towel method for about 14 days. I then transplanted them to the AeroFarm.



I filled up with spring water and followed the Canna chart. I adjusted my PH level to 5.8. EC was unkown at this stage as it was not delivered with the system by mistake.


Well-Known Member
Hell yeah man.....next time I wouldn't let the seedlings grow that big of a tap root before planting.....stick em in when they are about a quarter to a half inch long....less chance for the root to stress and dry out....but hey..if it worked for you then keep on doin it that way.....other than that looks good!!!!


Week 3 - 4:

Once again filled up with nutrients and water (weekly). Did not flush. As it was my first aeroponic grow I was unaware of all the details and avoided flushing (also on the advice of the supplier of my system) - this would turn out to be to my detriment.

** Still waiting for my EC tester not sure what it is. PH levels have been kept between 5.2 - 5.8.

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Week 5:

Ok great EC tester reading!!
:) Noticed a ridiculous reading of 3.2 EC WOW!!! FLUSHED THE PLANTS AND PLACED NEW NUTES. And walla they boomed in such little time:

Plants looking great now:

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Week 6:

PH: 5.8

EC: 1.62

Summary: I have noticed that since my nutes have stabilised my babies have grown drastically. I have learnt allot and the most important thing I can say to beginners is watch your PH and EC levels and dont underestimate the importance they play in your crop development and growth. Not sure if my theory makes since but notice the pictures above with EC levels at around 3.2 and notice since I stabilised it to 1.6-1.7 they seemed to grow much rapidly and faster:


I have decided to start the flowering stage. The last 6 weeks I have used Canna grow nutes and kept a light cycle of 18/6. Since my nirvana seeds should arrive soon i have decided to flower now as this could take more than 6 weeks according to most posts.

Week 6 - 1st Week Flowering Stage

Changed the light cycle to 12/12 and Flushed the system out and my plants by using fresh clean spring water (no nutes) for 3 days. I then used fresh springwater with the Canna bloom nutes as per the CANNA charts. Adjusted my PH to 5.8 and checked my EC at 1.62.

Lets see what happens. I have checked for pre-flowers and I suspect plant 1 (the big one) is a female. Plant 2 (the small one
;) ) not to sure yet. Will have to wait.


Well that's it for now! Week 6 (1st week of flowering stage) started yesterday 7 January 2011 and ends 14 January 2011. So I will keep you posted next week with more pics. Hope this helps people. I will post right up until crop harvest and let you know the end result. I expect the following time frame please tell me if I am wrong:

Flowering Stage - 6 weeks (End 18 Feb 2011)

Flush - 1 week (End 25 Feb 2011)

Harvest, Cure, Dry - 3 weeks (End 25 Mar 2011) ????????

Let me know what you guys think?

Thanks for reading this and happy farming :)


Hell yeah man.....next time I wouldn't let the seedlings grow that big of a tap root before planting.....stick em in when they are about a quarter to a half inch long....less chance for the root to stress and dry out....but hey..if it worked for you then keep on doin it that way.....other than that looks good!!!!

Thanks man :)


Active Member
Awesome Stuff mixali, they are looking like right little monsters *EFG* Cant wait to see em flower. I am myself waiting for micro sprinklers/misters for my homemade aeroponic system, but have 4 plants in a normal pot and another 4 in party cups hehehe cant wait to start my aeropnics


Awesome Stuff mixali, they are looking like right little monsters *EFG* Cant wait to see em flower. I am myself waiting for micro sprinklers/misters for my homemade aeroponic system, but have 4 plants in a normal pot and another 4 in party cups hehehe cant wait to start my aeropnics
Shot dude. Good luck. U have my email and skype so drop me a line if u need help ;)


Active Member
How are they coming along?
They looked healthy in the pics you already posted but i would like to see more!
And i just started my first grow journal yesterday, you should check it out =]
Hi guys,

I have been reading your posts avidly.

I also have a GHE areo garden setup. With 4 Seven Dwarf, Collosus plants. (auto flowering)

Using GHE Nova nutrients and a 70W LED light 46cm x 26cm.

Light is On 20hrs and Off 4hrs

Just wondered if you could answer a couple of questions I have please?

1. Is it ok for some of my roots to be hanging directly in the water ?

2. Currently I have my pump set to a 45 mins On and 15 mins Off rotation. Is this to much, should I allow more Off time , or should it be on 24/7 ?

Thanks in advance,

1st time areo garden grower
Hi ,

Sorry forgot to include, 3. How do i flush my aero garden and do i have to do it every so often or only if my EC goes too high?



1st time areo garden grower


Hey everyone!! Well I am sorry for not replying to you all sooner and for not showing you some pics but I have been busy moving.

As suspect the one that i always thought was a female turned out to be one and the one i thought was male turned out to be just that. I plucked the male and I have just the one female.

IT IS NOW 11 WEEKS. Just shy from 12 weeks,

The plant is coming along great guys: Here are some pics:


So what do you guys reckon? PLEASE post comments, suggestions, etc. Also when do you reckon its ready??? LOL!


Hey man! Ok I have answered your questions in red. Sorry for the late reply been busy moving. I have also posted new pics above!

Hi guys,

I have been reading your posts avidly.

I also have a GHE areo garden setup. With 4 Seven Dwarf, Collosus plants. (auto flowering)

Using GHE Nova nutrients and a 70W LED light 46cm x 26cm.

Light is On 20hrs and Off 4hrs

Just wondered if you could answer a couple of questions I have please?

1. Is it ok for some of my roots to be hanging directly in the water ? Yes! Absolutely fine. Mine have and now that the plant has grown so huge I have NO choice. Virtually all roots are DEEP in water now.

2. Currently I have my pump set to a 45 mins On and 15 mins Off rotation. Is this to much, should I allow more Off time , or should it be on 24/7 ? This is a tricky one and I will tell you what I have done. The first 6 weeks I used the same setting as you, 45 mins off and 15mins on. But my timer broke at 6 weeks and since then I have my pump on 24/7. Personally that was ideal as my timer broke just when I switched over to 12/12. Here is my theory: When the plant is in vegetative stage the roots need to grow and hence having a timer set on at the above times is ideal as this allows the roots to breath and search for water when its off. So the roots grow. However, when the plant is in bloom/flower stage (ie when you switch the lights to 12/12) I believe that the roots should not be allowed to breath and grow as you want most of the energy directed to those juicy buds of yours. So by switchnig over to 24/7 for the pump this stops the roots from growing (mine were pretty deep and huge almost like 5 boxes of spaghetti) and allows the energy to spent on the top part of the plant. Notice how my plant grew from 6 weeks to now (the new pics above).

3. How do i flush my aero garden and do i have to do it every so often or only if my EC goes too high? I flushed every 2nd feed or when the salt residue on the GHE system built up (notice the white powder-like substance this is sale build up). Plants love it when you flush so when in doubt flush.

Thanks in advance,

1st time areo garden grower


Anybody out there????????

Hey everyone!! Well I am sorry for not replying to you all sooner and for not showing you some pics but I have been busy moving.

As suspect the one that i always thought was a female turned out to be one and the one i thought was male turned out to be just that. I plucked the male and I have just the one female.

IT IS NOW 11 WEEKS. Just shy from 12 weeks,

The plant is coming along great guys: Here are some pics:

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So what do you guys reckon? PLEASE post comments, suggestions, etc. Also when do you reckon its ready??? LOL!