1st annual RIU after harvest BBQ! Sat Dec 10th!

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Well-Known Member
So how was it?! Anybody got any cool stories? Any fights break out "what'du wanna do, huh, what'du wanna do" style? Good food, dank buds?!

Who did you meet?


Well-Known Member
damn the differential in our truck went out on the way out of town yesterday morning, we just finished installing a new one an hour ago. would have been a fun haul from abq


Active Member
I didnt take a lot of pics.. someone passed some couchlock on me and well... I was couched for awhile.. long while lol. Note to self.. watch what you smoke before you BBQ Tri-tip.. that was wierd ha. Anyway, here is a short vid of the fire TWS and MediUser maintained.. yep.. bonfire it was 8) Listen with sound up.. whats a 'pot face' ? haha



Well-Known Member
That was a great day!:clap:

Thanks again brother Hodge, the BBQ brisket was to die for!

No fights, unless you include the dogs! lol!

Thanks to everyone that made it

I just got home, I'm beat. More pics tomorrow





Well-Known Member
just got home aswell JJ! BBQ was awsome you guys wer all hella cool, as expected pretty much:) that dry ice hash was hella crazy and bomb! topped all the bong bowls with it hahaha was well worth the 2.5 hr trip and will deffinatly be attending next year, Great work to everyone who helped make it possible!

i was hella blazed still from that super 420! but to whom ever hooked me up with the Romulan thanks so much again!!!! they are in loving hands and i will have all of their newst updates with pics on my thread. i was told great things about these there from another forgotten name but awsome guy!


Well-Known Member
we're home safely. can't say "THANKS" enough to everybody who helped pull this off. i was nervous for a while. kept looking over my shoulder for the dudes in black flak jackets to come rushing over the hill. then they handed me the bong packed with honey oil. hit that 2 or 3 times and all your worries disappear.

it was an epic event. :cool:

hope to see you ALL soon.


Well-Known Member
Man this was a great idea, props to whoever put it together. How many people showed up in all?

Who says we throw this bash in the summertime and make it a bi-annual bash? Summer would be the shit in Cali, especially some BBQ grub!


Well-Known Member
I didnt take a lot of pics.. someone passed some couchlock on me and well... I was couched for awhile.. long while lol. Note to self.. watch what you smoke before you BBQ Tri-tip.. that was wierd ha. Anyway, here is a short vid of the fire TWS and MediUser maintained.. yep.. bonfire it was 8) Listen with sound up.. whats a 'pot face' ? haha

Chestnuts roasting on an open fire,
Jack Frost nipping on your nose...



Well-Known Member
I didnt take a lot of pics.. someone passed some couchlock on me and well... I was couched for awhile.. long while lol. Note to self.. watch what you smoke before you BBQ Tri-tip.. that was wierd ha. Anyway, here is a short vid of the fire TWS and MediUser maintained.. yep.. bonfire it was 8) Listen with sound up.. whats a 'pot face' ? haha

that's me in the background. :)
Ha it was planned way in advanced!! I should have just rented my own car but with moving I got all caught up :( I think eveything worked out better this way anyways!!! Boys will be boys I am beyond games!!!!!
yes. but now you are all on your own. you have your 1000 watt metal halide and hood ballast and all your kick ass genetics that i heard all popped. great!!!! so look forward to that. cuz they need attention. and they're ur babies.


Well-Known Member
oh man... had u made it you probably would have won Wheezers prize for farthest traveled... great prize :)
As tempting as Weezer's price was, between Washingtonians and the party is Grant's Pass and the Siskous in December, and they can deal out some terrible weather. Took me 13 hours to go 300 miles coming home last time, or I would have been there for this! Looks and sounds to have been a great time. Always fun to put faces with "names".

Someone mentioned a solar eclipse in May? That's before outdoor gardens up here, and after nasty weather, so bet you'd get some serious competition for furthest away then! :-)


Well-Known Member
Well the morning after would like to thank the Hodge family you all know I have nothing but love for you. Jyernum you are a soldier thanks for coming so far. I thought about you on my four hour ride home traffic. Well glad I met all of you and will definitely be seeing alot of you through out the year. Glad about the reviews I got on the pork butt will do double next time but I will do them on a grill in the park. Fumble the sides were great and DJJ the dry ice demo fabulous. You all are welcome to stop by my palace anytime you are in the Bay. TMB brother as always nice seeing you again and you can get the recipe anytime. This event in my opinion was better than all the Cow palace events I have been too. More bud more bongs and everything was great. Hodgegrown and family Bless You. dirrtyd


Well-Known Member
Oh and FDD I will PM you about the crackerjack and hijack my friend. Nice seeing you dirrtyd. Oh and nice meeting the guy who looked like he played on weed wars. lol dirrtyd

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
that was an awesome time! met so many of you!!finally! dirtyd that was bomb butt bro!! @ HODGE~ you rock man! your family/company were good people too!kickasrse cookies and pies!thank you for the catering brother! dbl j,glad you put the effort to rpund everyone one up like you did to man! wheez&family rockers thru n thru im not leaving anyone out on purpose,but i could list allday! hahahathe shirt,seeds,bomb buds....people i met~PRICLESS! heres my random pix!deleted any with a face!



Well-Known Member
I didnt take a lot of pics.. someone passed some couchlock on me and well... I was couched for awhile.. long while lol. Note to self.. watch what you smoke before you BBQ Tri-tip.. that was wierd ha. Anyway, here is a short vid of the fire TWS and MediUser maintained.. yep.. bonfire it was 8) Listen with sound up.. whats a 'pot face' ? haha

Medimaryuser was passed out in my car on the way home! The lady was starting to get a bit sleepy but Medi was OUT!!! woke up once and started talking about something then was out again! Hodge called it on the way out as well, he looked at medi and said "you're going to look like that for at least a couple days" He looked like he was sleep walking! Thanks for setting it up doubleJ and everyone else that helped set it up, and the BBQ Hodge! Thanks for the Grillitup shirt! Thanks for the glass fdd and nice to meet you all! And Kona... all I have to say is you really missed out on that Plushberry clone.... Maybe next time! Also Fumble was awesome! I would say she could handle more smoke than at least half the people there!
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