1st Annual RIU Spring Festival 4/20,4/21,4/22,FRI,SAT,SUN!

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Well-Known Member
Thanks brother!
We have to rent it for 3 nights. So I figure Thurs night, Friday night, Saturday night. The actual festivities would be Fri/Sat/Sun.
So we would have Thur to pre-stage everything. So if anybody wanted to show up early on thurs, to help set-up (and get the best camping spot!).
We'll start a formal sign-up after the holidays.



Well-Known Member
I don't think outdoor forum is the proper place to sticky this.... I think it should be stickied in toke n talk.... as it is the most populated forum.

I can move this to toke n talk as soon as a toke n talk mod comes in and says they'll sticky it... I just think this is seriously out of place in outdoor forum....


Well-Known Member
I'll re-name it the "Outdoors" spring festival!


Lol Exactly!! I just saw the pics looks good to me. The delta is like the second home haha. 420 will be here before we know it! I dont know if i am going to be able to keep up with this thread this time haha! I see 130 pages coming real fast!!


Well-Known Member
moved to toke n talk, already pm'ed a mod who is online to sticky this. trust me you wont regret having it in toke n talk instead of outdoor forum....


Well-Known Member
But, I know everybody in the outdoor forum, toke-in-talk is like a bunch of strangers in a bar!



Well-Known Member
Sometimes to many polictics and in real life and on the boards. What do you think about it bein in the toke and talk jj? Possibly some cool folks? I never chill in there.

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
ya some time too many politics. but this time, no politics. pops thought it would be better suited to toke and talk. he moved it, informed me, asked me to stick it, I stuck it. jj didn't like the idea, too many strangers. thread gets moved back. done deal. ... that's how I see it anyway. but if you wanna move it to toke and talk, I'l sticky it.


Well-Known Member
Thats up to you guys if there is good people in there then i dont see to much if an issue can never have enough of GOOD PEOPLE. It sucks we got a few bad apples on the site. Not sure if i am gona be able to keep with this thread last one got crazy! Should of seen all the people who showed up lol!


Well-Known Member
Hahahaha so funny when the pot calls the kettle black!!!!!!!!!! That is true some people can not keep up hehehehe, what is that saying oh what a tangled web we weave when we first practice to deceive hehhehhe some people are just more interested in helping themselves than belonging to a community, I vote for the thread staying here, but you know, it really does not matter to me I will continue to live a happy life either way ;)


Well-Known Member
If it really belongs over in tnt so be it, but I just don't spend any time there, so I don't know anyone.
I'm sure not trying to run this site, I believe pop had good intentions. I'm worried it will get out of hand over in tnt
Everyone's trying to help. Thanks guy's I feel the love
I don't know for sure what would be best, I only know that the last time, we had a blast!
Thanks everybody, for your interest. We'll get this done,one way or another



Well-Known Member
My feeling is and not that it matters how you grow by anymeans cause you know most of us grow both ways but there is no special time to plant your seeds or harvest indoors cause anytime is a good time. These get togethers were greated on the basis of out door growing and the godfathers of monster trees. The help and dedication by them to other members and new growers is how all this begins. The friendships and outdoor comminiuty of RIU starts here. Some members in T&T never venture out of there or into the outdoor forum. Every one is invited I'm sure but it all starts on 4/20 for us and with out 4/20 there would be no fall harvest. :peace:


Well-Known Member
;) so glad I met all my good friends on this site, you all have helped me so much!!!!!! Riu has been an awesome resource for me and I am so excited to meet all the good people still out there that I have been anxious to meet!!!!!


Well-Known Member
This has nothing to do with outdoor growing, or for that fact growing at all...$.02

I'll be back got to check on my post in the advanced growing section on how to transplant....
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