1st CFL Grow, Blue Cheese and Purple Bud!


Hey man I think you are doing an awesome job so far. You are doing all the same mistakes we all do. I would definitely get that air in there as soon as possible it will make a huge difference in the final outcome of you harvest and over all growth of your ladies. Airflow is your friend. And needs to be done. Plus it will make you box a stealth again. I am doing an all cfl set up as well and it is going well I think so far. It is my first grow with this set up and with with autos. I have amnesia now it is very delicate as to its nutes and humidity. I had 10 outta 14 turn male due to my lack of experience and knowledge of the strain. But now that I am more knowledgeable I have ordered just female seeds of white Russian and fast bud. I will be making my own journal and will send you pics. Keep it up man good jib so far bud. Remember about the air bud I'd say its a must.


Well-Known Member
Oh for sure. Ive got 4 fans on the way from newegg. Got a old phone charger thats going to be taken apart and made into the adapter. Both plants have really taken off in the past day or two. Im probably going to transplant both of them sometime very soon.


Well-Known Member
Just transplanted and watered my ladies. Blue Cheese went into a 1 gallon pot.. and it was hella root bound in its little party cup. Was not very forgiving in coming out of it party cup either, but it should be fine. LA came out of its party cup fine and went into a slightly smaller than 1 gallon pot. Ill post pics later. Have to get some more batteries for my camera.


Well-Known Member
Blue cheese was 15 days from seed, 12 from sprout.
As far as pics, just go into the advanced reply and upload em. Pretty straight forward.. just find the attachment section and go from there.


Well-Known Member
Pics as promised!

1. Side by side. BC on the left, LA on the right.
2. Side shot of BC. Nice tight nodes.
3. Side shot of LA.
4. Both of them in their new homes.
5. Blue cheese in its new 1 gallon pot.
6. Lemon Amnesia in its new 3/4 gallon pot.

Both of them will be put into flowering within the next week. I will gone for a full week in april with noway to take care of them so I need to harvest before then!

Also fed them some nutes last night.. Grow Big and Big Bloom.



Well-Known Member
Topped the blue cheese and fimd the lemon amnesia. Both plants showing great new growth. I'll get some pics up tomorrow hopefully.


Well-Known Member
Your babies are looking good, can't wait to see how that blue cheese turns out because i've heard a bit about it from my friends :o


Well-Known Member
I'm super stoked about the Blue Cheese man. I found a couple of smoke reports and grows on it, seemed like a hardy easy strain that yielded decent and was a good potency. I have never personally smoked it, but I have sampled the parents.. Blueberry and Cheese. Both just locked my down not wanting to do shit. Exactly what im looking for.. Work all day, come home.. put on some music and chill. Hard to go wrong. Plus, if it turns out loooking anything at all like the pic on The Attitude, Ill be in heaven. I wont be able to just quit looking at it. Will be a shame to even smoke it! Well.. probably not. But you get the idea.

The Blue Cheese is also dwarfing the Lemon Amnesia is growth. Even from seedling is just dominated. Hence the reason it got a bigger pot than the Lemon. The Lemon I just kind of went out on a limb for and said sure why not sounds good. lol

Like I said, Ill get some pics up soon!
+rep for stopping in! (again)!


Well-Known Member
Day 7 of Flowering!
Now the fun really starts. I woke today to find a nice present waiting on me. Both ladies have indeed confirmed it! Pistils on both plants!

6 Days ago I topped the BC and FIM'd the LA. BC shot out two new sprouts, and the LA spat out 6!! (It couldnt belive it at first). Also got down with some twin and LST'd both plants today, as I thought it was about that time. Really just tried to get them lower and open up the canopy some.
Anyway.. on to the pics! I tried to get some pics of the top and fim jobs, but my camera isnt super good, so they were hard to tell what it was.

Pic 1 is a ghetto reflector I made for my box. Quick, easy, and had everything laying around for it. Snatched a empty wine box from work and went to town. The bottom of it is covered in silver duct tape.

Pic 2 is a top shot of Blue Cheese. Note the twine for the LST.

Pic 3 is a side shot of the BC.. I got it nice and low!

Pic 4 is a top shot of the LA. Looks much more sativa than the BC.

Pic 5 is a side shot of the LA. Also nice and low.

Pic 6 is the side by side.



Well-Known Member
LST is looking good. Some of the lower nodes have really opened up to show to flower spots./


Well-Known Member
Your doing a great job so far Ryknow! Plants look good..nicely done lst..awesome!
Thanks arch! Saw your harvest.. If I get 2 zips I'll be ecstatic. I don't think I will this time... Since my veg time got cut short. Also went and got a thermometer for my box. Temps are a little high right before lights out but not to bad.


Well-Known Member
Plants are looking very nice, I am on my first CFL grow as well. I ordered my seeds from attitude just like you did and they germinated within a couple of days. They're just starting to show leafs now. I am subscribing to this I think it would benefit me greatly by watching your grow. But I just wanted to say good luck on the rest of your grow and I will surely be watching this. I have a link posted in my signature if you would like to follow mine as well. Happy growing!


Well-Known Member
Plants are looking very nice, I am on my first CFL grow as well. I ordered my seeds from attitude just like you did and they germinated within a couple of days. They're just starting to show leafs now. I am subscribing to this I think it would benefit me greatly by watching your grow. But I just wanted to say good luck on the rest of your grow and I will surely be watching this. I have a link posted in my signature if you would like to follow mine as well. Happy growing!
Glad to have you along for the ride!. They are really starting to get to the fun part.. white hairs are showing up on my ladies everywhere. Im headed to your thread right now to check it out miggy. +rep to you for stopping in!


Well-Known Member
Did some more LST today as well as raising lights. Plants are getting real bushy real quick.

Also.. tax refund today! Ordered a Extreme Q Vape. Hope it works.. didnt want to spend 600 on a volcano soooo.