1st CFL grow to outdoor at 1260m (4120ft)!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
Well here it goes, I'm living at 1260m above sea level and have started my first cfl/outdoor high elevation grow!!! I will update this thread as I move along in my task. I'm at a special location in the mountains where we get very good sun exposure and good average summer temp/rainfall and you don't have to worry too much about the man.

Anyway onto the growing, right now I have 13 plants germ'd for about 2 days in wet papertowel/plate w/plastic wrap and then started in peat pucks in a jiffy sprouting box 6 days ago. They are all under 2 27watt CFL's in a 2.2'w/6't/3'd well ventilated space. I have all plants raised on a platform towards the light and believe that the increased space cuts down on heat. I have been giving the plants 24hr light and they have been potted in half and half pc potting mix and a high qaulity herb potting soil w/rocks at bttm for drainage. watered when top soil is dry and visibly dry through plastic cups (Alright for roots to get light this way????). I am writing the start of this thread at 6 days.

I have a couple interesting things in the pics below I think I may have two or maybe three different strains as well. Check out the oddities too!!

Here are the first photos at 1 day in (about 36 hrs after planted in peat pucks)

The in the Grow cab at 3 days

Here is Unknonw species 1 at 6 days

And unknonw species 2, white widow maybe??? (6 days)

6 DAYS!?!?!:mrgreen:

And this one is Team Canada!!!!GO Canada !!!!!

And these are tomatoes, basil, peppers and lettuce allstarted at the same time with the smae methods and tactics!!!

Well that's it for now stay tuned for more updates and let me know what you think!!!!! thanks!!:hump:


Active Member
well here we are at day 11 and some interesting things to point out, I had to adjust my tap water pH, I bought a pool kit that tests to 6.8 so I lowered it out to that level. My tap water was at about 7.8 or so.

Also I added a 40 watt CFL to my set up as well as another 27 watt CFL and exchanged the foil for safety blanket as a refecltive (I still can't find mylar!!). I dropped the plant a couple inches again to accomadate the lights and put them at proper distance away.

My temp was at about 85F!!!! so I added a fan to the back and now it's at about 72F.

I have a question about one plant it's the first good one now showing a def and hasn't really grown much. What's the def?? it seems the veins are browning on the bottom leaves and there are browning spots creeping to higher leaves, the rest of the plants are fine. (pics's below)

I also have two plants I'm trying out training on and a bigger older plant in the pics below!:twisted:

So can someone suggest somthing on the def and if my temp and pH are at the croeerct level, Thanks!!!!!

Here's the tap water left(pH7.8) and balanced water right(pH6.8)

The new set up

The weird deficient plant with browining veins and patches.

the garden so far:mrgreen:


Thanks again for any tips!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Took me a few minutes but I finally understand your plants are not 4120ft high.. That is your outdoor elevation.


Active Member
Now that we all know whats up, can anyone diagnose my deficiant plant cause I'm gonna hit him with nutes today and has anyone ever grown at altitude?



Well-Known Member
Not sure... But could it have anything to do with the clear cups? Is that plant getting more light to the roots than others because of placement? My first grow was doing fine for a week in clear cups, and died within 2 days. I was told it was because of the clear cups. They had browning like that as well, and then crumpled up. I guess this is less of an answer and more of a question~


Well-Known Member
Ok the clear cups have to go.... thanks!!!

No problemo. Like I said though, it was more of a question. That might not be it. I've heard alot about the cons of clear cups, but never really tested that theory out. I just listen to these old timers, they know what they're doin'. :joint::peace: