1st Clones Cut, Limping..?


Well-Known Member
check em outP1000451.jpgwasup with the crazy lean? were they cut to early? (35days veg)
heres a pic of mom before the cuts
any insight would be greatly appreciated


Active Member
there not cut to early i done 8 clones of a 3 week old plant

what light have you got them under?


Well-Known Member
2 26 watt cfls 6500k.
but they were limp the second i stuck them in the rockwool, the light didnt have any influence at that point

T Ray

Well-Known Member
Honestly give them a few days and they should perk up. Make sure too keep the humidity up and spray them a few times a day and they should be fine.


Active Member
The reason they are limp is lack of hydration and photosynthesis. My cuttings often wilt for a day or 2, when they do, heres what I do. Support them! Make little stakes to support them, especially since there is a lot of leaf material there. If you get the leaves fanned out, this allows for photosynthesis, which will help root development. Make sure you spray the tops of the leves and not the bottom with whatever you are spraying them with. Again, this helps photosynthesis and transpiration which will help the flow of water through their system. They are from a good looking healthy mom and will recover given a little time. Steak them, spray them, leave them under 24/7 lighting and in a week you should have some roots. JMO W


Well-Known Member
thanx fellas! i am doing everything mentioned, except staking them and 24/7 light lol. today is day 2 and the tops are rearranging themselves toward the light already so thats cool.:leaf:

my light cycle is 18/6, there in a closet with not much space with the mom and new babies at day 8 so to make a partition of some sort would be pretty difficult..

also im not gonna stake them... i dont want to mess with the tray/dome at all, no misting no nothing just them do there thing for the first week. the dome and the rockwool are both still moist. ill take this as a learning experience if it goes to shit... in a couple days if the dome is dry then i will open up and spray them down. add water to the cubes then too... we shall see. thank you all for your advice, just because i dont do exactly what you have suggested doesnt mean you wasnt helpful. i appreciate your time and your insight!:peace:

T Ray

Well-Known Member
Sorry I guess I should of clarified to spray them with just plain H2O. If your not going to spray you must definitely keep moisture in their some how. Even just placing a small bottom of a styrofoam cup filled with some water to keep it humid and water available to the plants.


Well-Known Member
Why are they in a crazy dome???? Get them out of there and let them have some air. They should improve after that.


Active Member
i had this on my first set of clones. differences now are i mist them allot i mean allot. i spray the clones and the lid of the dome 3-6 times a day. now i get no limping at all and roots start appearing within a week.