1st DWC grow ( PLS HELP!)


this is my first DWC grow...I transplanted a clone I had in a plastic cup wit coco into my DWC system...

I have a 3 1/2 gal bucket wit a net pot lid...I also have two air stones hooked up to an air pump I run 24/7...my water level is 1 inch "above" the bottom of the net pot...the ph was set to 5.5

I removed the plant from the cup n gave it a dip in water wit a ph of 5.5 n super thrive...the roots were really intwined wit the coco so I didn't try to remove any n placed the root/coco ball in the net pot n filled the rest wit clay pebbles (I washed twice)...

I had it outside for a couple hours n noticed the leaves becoming really droppy n limp...I figured it was a case of transplant shock n brought it inside n put it under 2 CFL...the leaves r becoming more droppy n limp by the min...I checked the ph n it jumped to 6.2...my question is, r my leaves limp because of the transplant or did I make a big mistake...this is my 1st grow using DWC n 2nd grow overall so I'm sure I made plenty of mistakes in my transplant processes so I would appreciate anyone who would b willin to share sum wisdom wit me...is there sumthin I "should" have done or were there things I "shouldn't" have done?...I wanna get the processes right n know wut to expect so that when I transplant my other clones I won't b such a noob!!

:joint: "if everyone smoked a doobie the world would b a better place"


Active Member
over watering was what i was thinking when you said "my water level is 1 inch "above" the bottom of the net pot". I normally have my water from 2 to 4 inches below the bottom of the net pot. generally the splash from the bubbles is enough to keep the pebbles moist and also to entice the roots to look for more water and still get air.


i think ur right pwizzle...it still looks shocked a lil but it IS showing a few roots n its barley day 2...ive kept it inside in the dark for about 6 hrs n now i have it under two 150w CFL's...i kept the water level the same kuz i heard that u dont lower the water level untill u see a good root system...so maybe by fri itll b a good enough root sys to lower it...

also i wanted to know...since CO2 increases yeilds by 30%...is the CO2 ONLY absorbed thru the leaves...or can CO2 b absorbed thru the roots???... the reason im askin is kuz i plan on growing it in an open space so i wouldnt b able to hook up a CO2 tank n hose to surround the plant in...so i wanted to know if i would b able to hook up the CO2 tank to, say an air stone...would that b benificial at all or will it kill my baby OG??

oh n as soon as i set up my photobucket account ill upload sum pics


Well-Known Member
Give it time to root and poor a little water over it now that you have transplanted it. It doesn't have enough water around it. Unless you washed the pebbles right before adding them.


Well-Known Member
Supz DOSHA. Droopy leaves def sounds like overwatering. I agree with Justin and wizzle. I also have my water in my rez about 1-2" below the pot. You can handwater them with distilled or w/e until the roots make contact then go from there. BTW, you dont need a photobucket acct to post pics on here ;) Just click on the INSERT IMAGE link when you post and you can upload it from your PC directly. Save you some time ;) Keep up posted. Happy growing


Active Member
i am in the same boat as you man im new to the dwc do you mind if these guys and gals help me as well and i will do my best to help anyone with looking for an answer not tryen to hijack a thread just tryen to figure this place out please look at my journal


Well-Known Member
Go ahead and keep the lights on 24/0 to help the clone start growin faster.
CO2 is absorbed by the leaves, but to use it properly it takes a lot of calculations.
The heat has to be higher, the ppm of co2 in your atmosphere has to be good, proper ventilation. It may produce 30% more in optimum conditions, but adding co2 won't just make the plants grow amazing.


yea I've been hearin tht alot mineralz...to hand water till the roots come
out more...today when I check the ph n everythin imma
lower it down a lil...n I'm doin everythin on my iPhone n it doesn't let me upload pics...I née to upload it from a hard drive or sumthin...

n yea dopey feel free to ask...I'll prolly learn a few things from
ur questions too

n my set up is kinda ghetto so I guess I'll wait on that co2 part...since it seems it needs to b in a VERY controlled enviorment


n thanks for all the help ppl...I know my baby OG is gonna pull thru...she's been a fighter since day one!!!


Active Member
But his roots may be brown due to the kind of nutes hes using in his setup correct??? and thank you man for not minding if i ask some questions but y start a thread for the same thing my setup is geto also its an old portable closet lined with mylar emergency blankets and cfls at this point in tim eording a 400 watt hps b4 i go into flower. i also +repd everyone for the help thanks again. what about if he tried one of the easy homeade co2 gens. with yeast and sugar to see if it would help or is that a bad idea. i mean yea you have to shake it and make sure its still producing everyday. idk if its a good idea or bad i used that kind of setup when i had a planted aquarium. made my plants look amazing!!! mind you they were aquatic plants.


Active Member
But his roots may be brown due to the kind of nutes hes using in his setup correct??? .
I honestly didn't think of that, sorry to the OP, if that's the case. I saw that color I thought pythium, not nutrient staining. I took some shots of mine, since I just put these in the RDWC. This is what I start with and grow with. No rock wool, no hydroton, just a 3" cup full of roots.



Active Member
so i want to get some seeds from a seed bank. but i dont know how to start them without a rockwool cube for the dwc. now i know you are gunna laugh but, the plant in my dwc started out in soil!!!!!! dont ask me how i got it to work so well i have nice root growth in my dwc i shuld take a pick for you but the big bloom is a chalky tan color so the new roots that took are a tan color like the ones above. i am online if anyone wants to message me.