1st ever going to grow, Never smoked weed or ever planted HELP


Well-Known Member
You are asking too much, you have to do reserch. basically all plants are the same. Have you ever had a vegetable garden? Plants need light,nutes,air circulation. Trial and error is the best way to learn, if you've never smoked, why do you want to grow?
The important thing is ... only plant a couple of seeds, then when you fuck up you will have seeds left for the next attempts ... do not expect overwhelming success with your first attempt, plan for failure.


Well-Known Member
Fox Farms did not get bought by Scott's? Which is who does miracle Gro...but MG does make a super freaking amazing coco now that is---what is it---Super Amazing....you know how when you first start a plant in coco it is like how much of the A+B do I add? None if you start with MG coco...I hate MG soil...it is just not that amazing, and can cause a lot of errors... So in my personal benefit vs. Risk assessment MG soil does not offer benefits that out weigh the risks associated with it's use....where as I think, FFOF is the best soil ever...Even better than Roots Organic maybe...for me...I need to try some more roots and see side by side which one I like better...I feel the FFOF has more nutes, so it is more likely to burn if you over water, but with those extra nutes comes some crazy awesome growth if you water correctly everytime, which is hard sometimes...Like peeking on christmas presents...you have to just add a little water to try to get something to happen sometimes when you are excited...anyway, I like FFOF and I just did a really thorough lookup and the only place such a thing is mentioned is on stoner forums, so what I conclude is that it was something made up on a stoner forum...


Well-Known Member
I love forums and my ability to speak my thoughts with other like minded individuals...but let's face it....anytime you have large groups of people there will be someone that says something they made up, and someone will take it as the word...(when we all know that the bird is the word)..and they tell a bunch of other people that also take it as word and tell other people...and nobody stops to think of the bird...because if they did they would already know that with the bird being the word, that nothing else could simultaneously be the word, and therefore should be researched before being "parroted" about the boards...


Well-Known Member
Try not to support Monsanto is at all possible. Miracle Grow and Fox Farm are both owned by a monsanto company.
woah, hate to jack a newb thread but fox farm is owned by a Monsanto subsidiary? wtf/? how did i miss this? thanks for pointing that out meta!


Well-Known Member
further searching makes this seem like forum rumor, esp, with a response supposedly from a foxfarm rep stating that the scott's purchase is a rumor, im getitng to the bototm of this


Active Member
Lol at wanting to grow with having never even smoked it. U must be a minor. Good luck starting. As others said. Expect failure.anyone can water a plant. Balancing nutes, soil, lighting let alone harvesting at the right time, curing anddrying, I suggest u buy the canabis grow bible first. Read for a month.


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty sure Fox Farms being own by Monsanto is just a rumor.
Might be true, after a little digging, damn internet rumours. But apparently in feb 2011 Scotts was bought up by ICL,

From the website...

ICL is one of the world’s leading fertilizer and specialty chemical companies. With exclusive concessions to extract high quality, low cost minerals from Israel’s Dead Sea and rights to mine the Negev Desert, ICL is a major producer of potash, compound potash and phosphate fertilizers, food grade phosphoric acid, elemental bromine, magnesium and a major player in specialty chemical high margin niche markets.



Well-Known Member
foxfarm is still mom and pop for all i can see...i'll keep to it until i find out for sure otherwise...

mobster, you've a long road ahead, somebody said get jorge cervantes' grow bible--this is sound advice...you sound eager: this goes horribly when you don't have a good, well thought out plan...everyone is telling you to expect failure because you're gonna get some deficiencies right out of the gates, and you might have legit N def. but more likely you'll get eager and over feed throwing the plant into a nutrient lockout....the point of this statement is more to illustrate that you are still dealing with a naturally growing plant which will have to fight off bugs and fungi and mold, with your help and the more you understand about the entire range of grow outcomes (i.e. what a totally perfect grow looks like, what a completely fucked grow looks like, and everything in between) that are possible. So, be the first younger generation to listen to an older generation and don't rush into this. you might even try growing tomatoes first, as they can have similar growing behaviors...
just my two cents
be easy


Well-Known Member
Shit I've got some time to kill

If he's growing outdoors isn't it too late in the season? Also while it's great to have the stuff shipping to you try getting the plant stuff at a nursery. I almost bought the Fox Farms from amazon, but I checked my local nursery and they had a 1.5 cu. ft bag for $15. Like Dr. says it seems like you're rushing into this. Don't even bother buying 13w CFLs at least 23w and if you get those you're going to need a lot! 100w per plant minimum. I personally would stay away from anything with miracle grow, it's made for people who don't know anything about gardening and just want a plant that grows quick and easy. It isn't a miracle(pun intended) soil. I'd get jiffy peat pellets and throw your seeds into them instead of using seed starter soil.

If you have 24 non fem seeds except 1/2 to male and out of the 1/2 that are fem expect maybe a quarter to not make it. I'm not even going to get started on how to sell weed, but understand that it requires some serious money.

Have you considered the pros and cons of growing outside vs inside? Why'd you choose to grow outside?
I wont be selling this at all, I hope just to smoke it for my self. My amazon account was hacked and my money was spent but its being investigated FML so i need to wait to get my money.


Well-Known Member
If the order hasn't been processed yet(usually in the first 24 hours of when the order is placed) can't you just cancel it? Also if you're using a credit card you can just dispute the charge and usually they credit your account the amount that was disputed until they verify if it was legit or not. No idea about paypal, I thought the whole reason for them was because of it was "safer" than using a cc.


Active Member
listen to dr.j20 and dont rush this man. haste makes waste. im about to start my first grow since 2005 and i still did about 10 hours of research a day for a month straight before even considering this shit. slow down homie i promise that the world will not burn down before you get to grow your pot and smoke it. unless the world acually is gonna end this year. and if it does end this year... well hopefully your smoking your pot when it does lol
If the order hasn't been processed yet(usually in the first 24 hours of when the order is placed) can't you just cancel it? Also if you're using a credit card you can just dispute the charge and usually they credit your account the amount that was disputed until they verify if it was legit or not. No idea about paypal, I thought the whole reason for them was because of it was "safer" than using a cc.
it was a gift card on my account. They said it will be reinbursted for everything i had lost in 24-28hours, dumb ass used his real address so now I know where he lives phone number etc. also I will take my time. I probrally just order then products when i decide to grow Indoors or out. I have a good backyard for growing and indoors is actually really bad as I dont have a door in my room cause its like a game room that you just walk into. will post some photos of some of my backyard and wont reveal where I live but will show what I am working with.

Thanks guys I hope to smoke before school starts as I know it will help me with studying and Homework.