1st ever grow!! 150w hps

im completley new to posting so sorry in advance if ive done something wrong.
Im currently mid way through my 1st ever grow!:leaf: and thought i would put up some pics and see what every1 thinks, i would appreciate any comments, constructive criticism and any tips, if any1 has any questions i will be happy to answer.
the pics im putting up are day1, day 10 potted after roots have showed, day 20 and day 28 when i started to flower i think the pics are not in order but you can tell which ones are which



Well-Known Member
Nice lil grow man... I bet thatz gonna be sum tasty shit... Have u considered taking u sum clones before switching to 12/12? I would...
Nice lil grow man... I bet thatz gonna be sum tasty shit... Have u considered taking u sum clones before switching to 12/12? I would...
have just started 12/12 and have seriously limited space so no chance of cloning this 1, I just wanted to do a very basic 1st grow and see what hapens ... then go from there, very happy with the results so far. Hopefully I get a nice yield, fingers crossed. I will update the pics and post the dry cured weight (im hoping they dont get 2 tall for my closet)

no clue

Well-Known Member
Beautiful fuckin plants man. The leaves look really flat and happy. Keep those girls goin like that and things will work out well


Well-Known Member
Lol you wont be long changing to a more higher powered light soon once you get the taste for growing which wont be long! good job so far keep it up


Well-Known Member
Thatz for sure... I started indoors with a couple of 150W HPS, then I got a 400W MH, and now I'm running 3 250W HPS, and that old 400W MH at the same time-all of which r in a CO2 enriched closet with beautiful ventilation and ac control, and itz only 4'X2', but with room for 8 5-gallon buckets on top of a grate on a drain pan with a submersible fountain pump with float switch... So, little by little, you will kick it up a notch after every grow, I guarontee... Ayeeee! I pulled .91 gr per watt last grow, and wasnt using CO2, and this time, the same strains r WAY fatter and even more dank than last time around... So, besides lighting, these other factors, incl humidity levels, temperature(to help equitorial sativas finish earlier), nutrients, mediums, and watering schedules should ALL be taken into consideration when planning your next grow... Just a lil advice for ya...
Beautiful fuckin plants man. The leaves look really flat and happy. Keep those girls goin like that and things will work out well
thanks allot, I didnt think things would go this well on my 1st attempt ill keep updating pics e.t.c to hear more feedback
Lol you wont be long changing to a more higher powered light soon once you get the taste for growing which wont be long! good job so far keep it up
thanks, I think your right ill see how this one goes and fingers crossed if it all goes well the next 1 will be bigger and better!!
Thatz for sure... I started indoors with a couple of 150W HPS, then I got a 400W MH, and now I'm running 3 250W HPS, and that old 400W MH at the same time-all of which r in a CO2 enriched closet with beautiful ventilation and ac control, and itz only 4'X2', but with room for 8 5-gallon buckets on top of a grate on a drain pan with a submersible fountain pump with float switch... So, little by little, you will kick it up a notch after every grow, I guarontee... Ayeeee! I pulled .91 gr per watt last grow, and wasnt using CO2, and this time, the same strains r WAY fatter and even more dank than last time around... So, besides lighting, these other factors, incl humidity levels, temperature(to help equitorial sativas finish earlier), nutrients, mediums, and watering schedules should ALL be taken into consideration when planning your next grow... Just a lil advice for ya...
you sound like you gota really advanced set up, and getting v.good results!. ive had a few probz that i might end up posting sum pics 4 advice, bt this is my 1st ever grow with pretty much the most basic setup. it will be good to see what the final results are and if there
good then i gotta go more advance like yourself, thanks for your comment
((day 60))
I have just started to see the hairs turn a dark brown. I wasnt expecting that to happen yet?? this is there 4th week of 12/12 Im also not sure when to harvest. I definatly dont want to harvest too early so any help advice would be appreciated here are some pics of where theyre both at
(( day60)).jpg((day 60)).jpg((day60)).jpg(day 60).jpgday 60).jpgday 60.jpg


Well-Known Member
Looking very nice, a microscope to check the trichomes is the best way to tell when its ready, cloudy is ready and the more amber the more couch lock it will be, they look about 2 weeks away from them pics but you never know in 7-10 days things could change
Looking very nice, a microscope to check the trichomes is the best way to tell when its ready, cloudy is ready and the more amber the more couch lock it will be, they look about 2 weeks away from them pics but you never know in 7-10 days things could change
cool thanx, ive gotta 30 - 100x jewelers microscope I jus been finding it hard to keep a steady hand haha!


Well-Known Member
I know what you mean mate! cut off a little bit of a leaf and put it on a table and get a good look at it