1st ever grow, 1st ever journal, All tips and advise welcomed


Well-Known Member
If they're mites, you'll see white spots on the leaf surface. Sometimes the spots will be tiny lines of discolored leasf material, sometimes they'll be just spots. Mites come in all colors, clear, greenish, bright fuckin red, black, you name it. My advice is to kill them, or at least control them till harvest. And good luck with that.


Well-Known Member
Mites also tend to hang out on the underside of leaves and will leave webs in the leaf veins.They are a bitch to get rid of once you get them!


Well-Known Member
if I sprayed the underside and tops of leaves for good measure. Will they climb into the buds to get away from the mighty wash? Also wont the might wash, wash off the tricombs? Will it effect the potency? I bought this stuff, just in case, but was saying to myself, I will never put this shit on my babies. But it was that, or throw these away after being eatin up by mites.
Been raising these now since Feb.12 Still amazed the way my first time turned out. This shit was ez until the mites. This is all personal weed, so if the mights crawled up into the bud. They better be fireproof, cause I will be smoking them.....lol Still very little smell coming from them, and the smell is nothing I've ever smelled before. Sure don't smell like the good skunk that is bought. Got about 8, 8" colas and a ton that are 4 and 5". Looking at 2 weeks on one of them and 3 on the other two. That will make both at 8 weeks. I sprayed these and didn't clean the grow box. The second spray will be tomorrow. Does anyone have a good chem. to clean a wooden grow box? My thought was soap and bleach.


Well-Known Member
bleach and water will work fine .you won't wash any trichomes off by spraying but i am not familiar with the chem you are using i use neem and have had good results over the years.


Active Member
I think the leaves are getting burnt from to much nutes. if it flowers in 8 weeks id def flush thur the 7th week. and maby just cut back on the nuts for the ones that are in week 6, then flush for week 7. i dont think nutes are all to important in the final two weeks


Well-Known Member
yeah looks like your getting a little build up i usually flush every 3 feedings.if your in wk7 probably just go ahead and flush and run straight water till harvest.The younger ones still go ahead and flush and then hit with your final bloom feed one more time before your final flush.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for replies. I did alot of research on how to do this for the first time. Then things got easy, so I slacked off on reading. They should have been flushed more. I think it stunted the growth a little. The colas are going on 9" long but are only about as round as a silver dollar, They are dense though. I did this whole grow without a ph meter, and knowing little to nothing about nutrients. Used distilled water all the way through. Have jugs piled to the ceiling,,,lol . Looks like I'm going to have to buy a few things, ph meter, jewlers eye, and carbon filter w/ fan. I know it seems late for a filter, but they are not stinking up my out building, And my budget is buy as needed.
Here is what I used in this grow.
5 mystery fem. seeds from nirvana
Fox Farm ocean forest soil mixed with 1/3 perlite
First two weeks, nothing but distilled water and molasses
3rd week through 6th week FF big grow and big bloom at about 1/2 strength w/ thrive and mollasses every other watering
6th week through 8th full strength.
1st week of flower I dropped the big grow and started using FF tiger bloom also added some cal mag. added new nuetrients at 1/2 strength until 3rd or 4 week of flowering Then went to full strength until now.
I never used a set amount of water to feed them. You can pretty much tell if the had enough and when they needed it. Getting toward the end of this and it has been cool as hell. Here are the clones I took off the 3 that will be harvested in a week or two. These clones are about 3 weeks old, I think. I would have to look back at my post to be exact.


Yes I have to paint the box


Well-Known Member
That ocean forest is pretty hot soil by itself really should only have to add to it late in the bloom just my opinion .I use the same soil .But looks like your getting the hang of it.


Well-Known Member
Here are some more pics. This plant is 7weeks and 1 day into flower, or 50 days.


Just flushed this morning and keeping on water and molasses until done. Someone tell me if it is wrong to keep the molasses in the water.


Active Member
Great job on your first grow, you really got the hang of it :)

I wouldn't leave molasses in water... just to be safe. Probably there is no problem with it, but I wouldn't want anything unnecessary growing in there.


Well-Known Member
I'm hoping 5 to 7 days. But being newb, I have no idea, I Have to buy a magnifier later today and will look at tricombs. Then I will prob. still have no idea.....lol. Almost out of my nasty street bought shit though. I don't know how it is for most on here, but for me, I have been smoking street bought shit for yrs and unless you want to pay $400+ an ounce. You smoke ok doky weed. In twenty years, this will prob. be the best looking urb I have ever had. I just hope the potentcy is just as good.


Well-Known Member
I have another question about flushing. I'm using 7 gallon potato sacks on this plant only . My theory is more room for roots, bigger stronger plants. I flushed with tap water on the first 15 gal. then ran distilled though it the last 6 gal. Hoping the distilled will wash away any chems left from tap water. The ph on the tap water was at 7.0. My question is do ya think chemicals in tap will fuck with the plant? Has been raised entirly on distilled. Also when this soil is dried out, do I flush again, or just water like normal? My thinking is flush until harvest. Tricombs are clear.


Well-Known Member
just leave your water sit for 24 hours and it will be fine to use only thing you have to worry about is chlorine which evaporates overnight.


Well-Known Member
Hi all
Ok since I have never dried & cured before. I had a lower bud snap off on the plant that is a few days from harvest. I hung it in a cardboard box with string lines. It was a small bud and after 3 days the stems almost snap. From what I have read, it is rdy to start cure. I have a slight scare though. It smells like hay???? Will the cure bring back the smell? If I harvest this buetiful thing and smell hay, I will be sick. Here is some more pics. They don't look the best, but it is what it is. The first pic. is with flash, I thought the rest would do better without flash, it didn't. Well just imagine all the pics are the same color as the first,,lol 56 days in flower. Going to give it a few more days, only about 2% amber
