1st ever grow seeking advise/thoughts


Hello everyone, welcome to my first ever grow. I was recently smoking some strain of kush when i came across a seed. Ive been wanting to grow but could never get my hands on good seeds. This is a outside grow but have been bringing it inside for extra light, being in such a young stage. I will post pics of were it is now, along with updated pics atleast once a week. Tell me what you think.


How old is it? It looks nice and green but a little stretched and tall not bad for a bag seed 8)
Also looks like it might be wanting more nitrogen try adding used coffee grounds in you soil good luck!


Just under 1 month old. Was thinking the same thing about being stretched..any good way to "fix" it? Thanks for the coffee ground tip!


Well-Known Member
Yeah you can use 6500K or daylight fluorescent bulbs that's considered the veg bulb. I don't see a Nitrogen problem I do however see pH fluctuations which is likely because you give them different things when you water. It's always best to do the same thing every time when possible, consistent and stable environment grows the best plants. The alternative is to adjust pH the same everytime which in that case you need a pH meter. But honestly my healthiest veg plants always have consistent schedules with no extra love.


Well-Known Member
You need to understand something about marijuana. Some strains are very easy to grow and some strains aren't. If someone says they never set pH and their plants are always awesome it is due to a few things. Usually it's because they grow easy strains exclusively. Sometimes their tap water is almost magical it's perfect for growing with a perfect hard buffer that is rock solid, you can mix anything into it. Lastly a lot of folks lie for some unfathomable reason. Some strains can take straight coffee grounds but some strains can not. So we go with the rule if you want to use an organic matter compost it first. So we live by the rule always use the same pH for your nutrient solutions. And of course we live by the rule that a plant wants a stable, consistent environment.
What soil are you using and do you spray the plants at all? It looks like either a ph problem or something sat on the leaves too long. Like mejuana mentioned omposting things first is always a good idea it helps break things down and help nutrients become more readily available to the plant. Personally I top dress with coffee grounds and eggshells during veg. And yeah all strains are effected differently but I've never seen coffee grounds do that


Well after a few days she is bouncing back nicely. I trimmed the bad leaf off im unsure if i should continue pruning taking the discolored leaves off or not. Still to early for that much trimming or no?


I don't usually start trimming till they have 5-6 nodes those babies need all the light absorption where they can get it by the time they have 5-6 nodes they are developed enough that they bounce right back and even bush out more after a little trimming