1st from Seed Grow (Cowboy Style)


Well-Known Member
man seriously i still feel baked, my eyes are always the give away.

pub o clock in T minus 25 mins........
I need to get a bit delia smith myself I for sure. It's been too long since I had any edibles! Last time I freaked out a bit, but that was a very long time ago and I wan't in a great place at the time.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
so how go the fireworks :D i don't think i could trust myself with them

had firework after firework going off every few seconds for the last 2 hours.... i kid you not. SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH


Well-Known Member
your kidding i can see it now, calm down mrs don its fine im just making some rockets....

funny we have the same kind of ethic on a friday too. i dont drive cos i know i would drink drive. it would only be a matter of time before i killed someone or got nicked or both.
im not shitting you it aint that dangerous i made my first ones when i was about 14.. a naked flame will take a bit to start igniting the fuel (potassium nitrate and icing sugar) thugh a red hot stick will ignite it in an instant. the tric is getting the ratios right so it burns up all the fuel without leaving much residue crap behind.

there good fun but dangerous.. i dropped a hot stick on the bench once and nearlty burnt the shed down.

mr west

Well-Known Member
[youtube]/v/HUzibkcXoOU&hl=en&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></[/youtube]

Fuck icing sugar and that use hydrogen peroxide and sit on it lol


Well-Known Member
ur after a semi perpetual style grow then mate.

remember youll have to keep taking cuttings so maybe even make one of them cuttings a new mother and give it a box of its own. a couple fluros or cfls are plenty to keep them going for your pourpose.

the idea being this though
hps for flowering as it is more to the red spectrum of lighting and this is what the cannabis plant is really after during flower.

lighting to the bluer scale is used for vegitating plants. MH lights are god for this

idealistically a bit of a mixture but leaning to either the blue side for veg and the red side for flower is what should be used.
duly noted cheers!

kinda depends on a few factors man, like your ventilation options.
really if your looking for max growth in the veg your looking at hps or metal halide. something like a 250 should be ideal for 20 babies in that small a tent tho youd probably need to cooltube and vent it tho.

i'd probably go with a 300w cfl


no need to vent it

thanks man

what the jesta said dude!:bigjoint:
gotta link to that dude?:bigjoint:
yeh mate


mr west

Well-Known Member
cheers inked im offg there now, i updated my cheese thread today if u fancy a gander at my tent lol links in sig go to last page lol

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
so my dairy queen clones are a bit freaky

i've spent the whole week absolutely battered to the point where i thik i need to have some detox this week.


Well-Known Member
hey don that coco that we got says it can be re-used. have you ever recycled it yourself? my kushberry are in the coco flowering right now.
dont know if you got the answer that you were looking for, but some of my first plants ever did the same thing. i tried adding a little more Nitrogen to it but no difference. i ended up staking the plants up with small dowel rods and strings. works good and gives your plants time to adjust and grow stronger. if it is something more serious im sorry, cant see cant help!! good luck