1st from Seed Grow (Cowboy Style)

6.5 oz trim ground up in a blender

lots of tins of gas

pyrex tray in a roasting tray full of hot water out the kettle

butane bubbling off, quite enchanting

slight accident trying to scrape it up with a razor

had to roll a bit of ground up weed around a bowl ended up with this hash ish lump of gooey dope

the lump to the left.

then i licked my fingers for a while and stuck my mouth together like id had 3 wham bars jammed in me chops, made my tongue end go numb.

im gonna go hit some more its been a long day ive been putting up window insulation and ran out half way through, got a taxi to take me to the bnq, had a pipe afore i left n the taxi driver rolls up dr dre bouncin n says to me i like your aftershave :)

happy toking peeps!
that last sentence should be my new sig lmao. i would be crackin the fuck up if i was stoned and that shit happened. thanks for the hash tut too. id love to smoke that.
Nice one Don, kinda lost you though after the boiling water...so you added the gas to the hot water and the trim?....or am I missing a picture. Hash looks very sweet.
looks propa nice mate i should of done that with mine:leaf:
with the amount of trim you had from all them trees it would have been good to do a side by side bubble hash and oil comparison with the weed it was made from hmmm
oh nah i meant she sells em empty lol all my drought issues would have been solved if i could pick up cheeky dank from the lil old ciggy lady
she's selling empty gas tins with dope in !?!?im lost off somewhere. and i havent had a toke yet this morning!?!? think im going to fire up my hookah in the bath in a little while tho soapy suds and clouds from the buds!
i only got my drivers licence 2 years ago, and i'm no spring chicken lol
are you using bottle/cheese cloth or just plasting it in the pyrex don?
nah the butane tube has a filter paper in it( which i forgot to put in a couple of times hence the little bits of dope leave you can see in the bubbling pic. id had several gins by that point.
told yas it works, now that smartas on ma hash thread can shut the fuck up lmfao.
told who what where now!? we know your info's solid bro
that last sentence should be my new sig lmao. i would be crackin the fuck up if i was stoned and that shit happened. thanks for the hash tut too. id love to smoke that.
yeah it was kinda funny it was a bit awkward tho i could tell he was wanting to ask me for some but i played it down, giving taxi drivers who know your address dope is a bad idea even tho they have allsorts of connections. i can ring a taxi get in and ask him to take me to a whore a dealer for coke smack you name it, most of them sell knock off vodka out the back of their cabs
Nice one Don, kinda lost you though after the boiling water...so you added the gas to the hot water and the trim?....or am I missing a picture. Hash looks very sweet.

the pyrex sits in the hot water inside a baking tray the butane goes into the pyrex and not the water tho people do it that way as to make it easier to get off the pyrex. this stuff is like superglue once its set
i forgot to take the pic of the honey oil tube so ill insert one into the sequence from a previous oil run
ok for DST a revised version
6.5 oz trim ground up in a blender

lots of tins of gas

fill the tube with the ground trim end cap on and squeeze the butane through approx 2/3 a tin per tube

the butane and thc drips out into the tray

pyrex tray in a roasting tray full of hot water out the kettle


butane bubbling off, quite enchanting

slight accident trying to scrape it up with a razor

had to roll a bit of ground up weed around a bowl ended up with this hash ish lump of gooey dope
Cheers Don, so the tube is bought specifically for this then? I have never really done anything other than bubble hash or varieties of that technique, so this is quite intriguing.
Cheers Don, so the tube is bought specifically for this then? I have never really done anything other than bubble hash or varieties of that technique, so this is quite intriguing.

yeah its specifically designed tube, tho ive been coming to the realisation that its too small you can buy ones online about 3 x the size but for what they are they're very pricey.

but you can use a plastic pop bottle to achieve the same results pop a few pin holes in the bottom where it pools and a larger hole in the screw cap to fit the butane tube through.

i might see if i can find an engineering firm that would do a custom one for me its basically a plastic or metal tube with two endcaps and some holes drilled in the fancy ones have stands so you dont have to wear gloves nut i could forgo that for not spending £££'s


is it me or did you add some more pictures? cus before it just looked like you were cooking some shit and you got some goodz :D it all makes sense today though

i should also note ive found you can just let the oil dry up too. fdd does this andi must say im impressed though i just wouldnt have the patients to wait that long :wall:

i like the keep some kiff method (leaf matter), not to be confused with your keif (hash as i take it). i just like how it makes it all the more managable and tbth the high aint much different except your oil is bonded to somethig already and depending on method of smoking this is a good thing as it doesnt melt and end up lost in the stem waiting for the next time you run out and need the resin lmfao.

still smokeable on foil as spots etc just leaves some shit behind as does the gold bag on some occasions say second or third run. ive seen lots of hash do this thats why i only like my own.

ive made the best hash out of anyone i know since the start of high school all them years ago hehe, though it was normally butane and metho then. a little bit of he gumby method (wasnt referred to as that then just ice water hash ;) )

it was truly awsome stuff looks like whats in your dish ;). thats why i give you an A+

what did you mean by smoke report fucked??
what did you mean by smoke report fucked??
I think he meant that's how he felt after a smoke, fucked. Sounds good, just the way I like to be.:lol:

I may give this a go in the future, at the moment, just the thought of buying yet more gear puts me off - that's what happens when you start fannying around with your grow area, Oh I'll just buy that, oh and I'll get that as well, and before you know it, that DIY grow, is no longer as Blue Peter as it should be. I'll stick to bubble bags for the time being....got some shake and popcorn buds to do so was just looking at options. I want to do this at some point though just for the hell of it...

Thanks Don, and West for the link. Have a good weeks folks.


is it me or did you add some more pictures? cus before it just looked like you were cooking some shit and you got some goodz :D it all makes sense today though
Hahaa yeah i did i missed out the filling tubes with ganj step lol

i should also note ive found you can just let the oil dry up too. fdd does this andi must say im impressed though i just wouldnt have the patients to wait that long :wall:
yeah i read that and even asked a few times but the chances of having weather like cali and being able to let it dry outdoors naturally are zero in the uk mate
i like the keep some kiff method (leaf matter), not to be confused with your keif (hash as i take it). i just like how it makes it all the more managable and tbth the high aint much different except your oil is bonded to somethig already and depending on method of smoking this is a good thing as it doesnt melt and end up lost in the stem waiting for the next time you run out and need the resin lmfao.
yeah i rubbed a load of ground up dairy queen into a lump of oily hash stuff n we smoked helf of it in a spliff last night, 3 people absolutely battered. it was too much for me, this stuff always is. unless your smoking like a pin heads worth on a glow rod or something it just overpowers
still smokeable on foil as spots etc just leaves some shit behind as does the gold bag on some occasions say second or third run. ive seen lots of hash do this thats why i only like my own.

ive made the best hash out of anyone i know since the start of high school all them years ago hehe, though it was normally butane and metho then. a little bit of he gumby method (wasnt referred to as that then just ice water hash ;) )
ive been fancying a go at the gumby method as you get a fair bit of leaf mattr in the end product, which should solve the facemelting issue of the honey oil haha

it was truly awsome stuff looks like whats in your dish ;). thats why i give you an A+
cheers bud i have to say ive made some potent oil before the previous best was from blue moonshine but this tops that and then some its fucking mind bending.
what did you mean by smoke report fucked??
i logged in to riu n realised i was just looking at the screen totally fazed out n thats all i could put n closed the laptop:bigjoint:
it's currently 43 degrees here, fuck that lol

i'm sweatin in bad places

you jammy dodger! and your complaining bout it too.

I think he meant that's how he felt after a smoke, fucked. Sounds good, just the way I like to be.:lol:
I may give this a go in the future, at the moment, just the thought of buying yet more gear puts me off - that's what happens when you start fannying around with your grow area, Oh I'll just buy that, oh and I'll get that as well, and before you know it, that DIY grow, is no longer as Blue Peter as it should be. I'll stick to bubble bags for the time being....got some shake and popcorn buds to do so was just looking at options. I want to do this at some point though just for the hell of it...

Thanks Don, and West for the link. Have a good weeks folks.

to be honest i wouldnt bother putting anything in other than trim the return from bud over the joy of smoking the bud just isnt worth it imho.

bubble bags will give you a much more manageable end product or rather 3 or 5 grades of end product which wont still be stinking on your fingers 3 days later, seriously ive been washing my mits in nail polish remover for days. shits ingrained.

cheers for following all! back to the grindstone...
grass is always greener my good man lol snow is great, for a couple days then it's a pain in the hole, heat is the same - lovely for a couple of days but when it's 9:30 at night and it's still 39c it's takin the piss lol the cold showers are grand for my hair tho, it's all shiny n what not, haha.

my ladies are coping ok, i'm using an evaporative cooler in their grow room so combined with the heat it's makin it lovely and humid for them, tho now they're in flower i should probably go a bit easier on that. can't wait to make more bubblo hashi - it's my favourite thing
dont worry bro once when i made metho/isopropyl i fucked up and ended up plooking like the incredible hulk for about a week on both my arms.. i was cocky and thought the ventilation would be good enough to use a stove with a flame. yup more fool me hehe it wasall good for like a few hours then whoof the flame came....

i ran that shuit outside good and fast splashing te crap everywhere and all on myself leaving me dyed green. (i smothered it out and let finish in hot water on electric stove. i was still in school in year 8 i think and the bloke who tought me warned me of it as the same thing happened to him only without flame he just spilled it on himself and said make sure you use an electric stove lmfao.

yup i been makingthis shit a long time.

i can totally relate to the whole fucked up cant write or do nothing thing as thats how i felt back then i hardly ever get that baked anymore :(... even though i smoke way more.... i miss the giggles wich i rarely get anymore...
grass is always greener my good man lol snow is great, for a couple days then it's a pain in the hole, heat is the same - lovely for a couple of days but when it's 9:30 at night and it's still 39c it's takin the piss lol the cold showers are grand for my hair tho, it's all shiny n what not, haha.
aye the grass is always greener your right. tho id rather be too hot than too cold lol i dont think i could work in 39c tho tbh
my ladies are coping ok, i'm using an evaporative cooler in their grow room so combined with the heat it's makin it lovely and humid for them, tho now they're in flower i should probably go a bit easier on that. can't wait to make more bubblo hashi - it's my favourite thing
yeah be very wary of too much humidity mould is pain in the arse trust me i know hahaha bubble hash is lovely i have to say
nice don havin a little flik at ur porn nice grows man lov 2 make switch 2 coco think i will afta this 1 nicce man nicce
thanks man yeah its just on the verge of being good to look at again 3 weeks in flower but still no major explosion of growth yet even with a blue spec bulb in the tent, going coco was probably the single biggest improvement in my grow, it was well worth it

dont worry bro once when i made metho/isopropyl i fucked up and ended up plooking like the incredible hulk for about a week on both my arms.. i was cocky and thought the ventilation would be good enough to use a stove with a flame. yup more fool me hehe it wasall good for like a few hours then whoof the flame came....

i ran that shuit outside good and fast splashing te crap everywhere and all on myself leaving me dyed green. (i smothered it out and let finish in hot water on electric stove. i was still in school in year 8 i think and the bloke who tought me warned me of it as the same thing happened to him only without flame he just spilled it on himself and said make sure you use an electric stove lmfao.
SWEET BABY JESUS AND THE ORPHANS LOL thats fucked up, but i guess it takes someone who's done it to know eh hahah lucky you didnt blow yourself to smithereens man.
yup i been makingthis shit a long time.

i can totally relate to the whole fucked up cant write or do nothing thing as thats how i felt back then i hardly ever get that baked anymore :(... even though i smoke way more.... i miss the giggles wich i rarely get anymore...

yeah im not a fan of being that baked i prefer the giggly social stuff, but to achieve that from honey oil i think id have to use near as damnit straight sativa, which ive long been telling myself i need to get going. who knows i might just get round to it this summer
im an indica fan lol.

yeah umm a lot of shits not really as dangerous as you'd think ;). but yes that was a pretty stupid move hehe learnt that fast but since then found a lot of cool tricks to get a lot of jobs done hehe.