1st from Seed Grow (Cowboy Style)

ahhh did you and yer mrs sort out the grow situation when you move Don?? mine have been moved for my impending doom, or soon arriving visitors if you prefer lol

i have photos, just tryin to find my memory card adaptor thingie so i can get them on the computer

err not quite were still looking to move in april ish but by then i can downscale so it wont be a problem

no worries on the pics.
err not quite were still looking to move in april ish but by then i can downscale so it wont be a problem

no worries on the pics.


mmm ok, hope that works lol

it would be a travesty if you had to stop growing, you just need to find a way to discuss it with her in which she will understand it's important
nice girls kmoo!

i will be finishing up whats in the veg cupboard

ive got 3 fems and 5 unknowns, one of the floaters didnt make it to seedling the other two have come up but sloooooowly ill be finished end of march ish depending on if i decide to move with babies on the go.

im thinking when i flip the SAD and jack47 i might switch the enviro light im vegging with with my red spec and do a mini cfl grow in the veg cupboard while my others finish up.
i just break the root ball by hand and pull ot the densest bits i chuck the bit round the stem fior the same reason, you could easily rake it through with an implement but its easy enough by hand.

you save all the mycro life too jberry said he only re uses his twice but im up to about 4 now no problems. he did say tho if there was problems in the coco not to re use. like mould etc
wow looks like a ninja weapon! sweet

well my lass woke me up crying in the middle of the night went n kipped on the sofa and wont tell me whats up, must be rag week :(

divine intervetion has given me a sign.....

stella £2.99 for 4 and kp honey roast peanuts. she's fucked off out to a friends for dinner im getting wrecked n watching ideal
fuckin females eh..just cant figure em out..my missus smokes bud so its not so bad for me lol
just had a kushberry and w/rhino spliff and now i,m gonna go smash the xbox till my eyes go blurry
i probably did something in a dream haaha i doubt ill ever understand what makes their minds work.

me too im gonna watch a couple more episodes till my buzz cools off a bit then ill smash some modern warfare
i probably did something in a dream haaha i doubt ill ever understand what makes their minds work.

me too im gonna watch a couple more episodes till my buzz cools off a bit then ill smash some modern warfare
are u on xbox live or ps3 don???
if ur on xbox were link up for a battle:bigjoint:
god i hate that shit lol gives us well ajusted chicks a bad name

in laws are here, i'm off to work! lol
I used to think i was a littel bit mental and then i met every girl i ever dated and dont feel so bad lol. jk
are u on xbox live or ps3 don???
if ur on xbox were link up for a battle:bigjoint:
im xbox dude but im not doing the online till ive sharpened my skills a bit more im well rusty since the last one i havent picked up a 1st p shooter

ill hit you up for a battle when ive flogged through it, which may be some time on VET...

god i hate that shit lol gives us well ajusted chicks a bad name
well i figured it out she's broody and i told her in no uncertain terms that i don't want kids and that bringing the subject up over and over would not make me change my mind in fact quite the opposite it just fucks me off.

then she tells me her uncle wants to buy us a house.
which we've similarly already talked about and i've told her i'm not interested.
its next door to his on the same estate as her mother and aunts house ffs

apparently its so chavs dont move in and disturb our lasses grand mother who has alzheimers and doesn't know what the fucks going on anyway.
apparently we only do things i want to do !?!? fucking women. i mean seriously who would feel comfortable owning a house that someone else paid for ? being in debt to your partners family for 25 years!?! i dont thinkim being unreasonable but apparently i am!?!?

in laws are here, i'm off to work! lol
I used to think i was a littel bit mental and then i met every girl i ever dated and dont feel so bad lol. jk
im my own brand of crazy too hahah but every girl has their own unique crazy
i wanted that one .

lucky mofo lol.
the sea dragon shapesd ones were cool
tis a lovely piece has it got a shotgun hole?

anyway sorry to vent but if i don't tell someone my head will pop