1st from Seed Grow (Cowboy Style)

yeah some people feel i dont take their feelings seriously, i offend a lot of people lol in all honesty i make light of most things, coz if i didn't laugh about it i'd cry. so many things are fucked up around us, so i ignore most of them and laugh at the telly instead.

cats eh? lol might borrow one of them to come take care of the minging babies tubs von bitzenface has birthed.
yeah some people feel i dont take their feelings seriously, i offend a lot of people lol in all honesty i make light of most things, coz if i didn't laugh about it i'd cry. so many things are fucked up around us, so i ignore most of them and laugh at the telly instead.

cats eh? lol might borrow one of them to come take care of the minging babies tubs von bitzenface has birthed.

Spoken like a true aquairian(spl) wel apart from the offer of sport for my cats lol. Theres too much fucked up in the world to take any of it seriousely. U can start with the big things like the wars and that and go all the way down to the shit u got in the grow room cuz of the weather lol. All do ur head in but it cant all occupy my head at once so laugh it up and deal with wot u can lol.
hahah i was talking about the elephants lolling about on the planes of africa or wherever trunk in trunk like hand in hand hahaa

i speak in riddles. my friends understand most of the time but sometimes i just talk utter bollox :)
hahah i was talking about the elephants lolling about on the planes of africa or wherever trunk in trunk like hand in hand hahaa

i speak in riddles. my friends understand most of the time but sometimes i just talk utter bollox :)

So wot is making those elephants laugh out loud about?

v. lolled, loll·ing, lolls
v.intr.1. To move, stand, or recline in an indolent or relaxed manner.
2. To hang or droop laxly: a pennant lolling from the mast.

v.tr. To permit to hang or droop laxly: lolled his head on the armrest.

n. Archaic An act or attitude of lolling.

or were you being facetious
alright don, westy have any of you seen that journal of hobbes's were he claims he can make a plant from a root? sounds very intersting, i'm in for the ride and thought it might interest you. ever wished you had taken clones from a particular pheno that you have already chopped and smoked? it could be possible..
theres no reason it wont work to be honest in the right conditions a plant will reveg tho from dead root it aint happening.

very interesting tho willy cheers
ahh ok don, thought i'd offended ya with my less than serious response to the elephants peril lol

we are great emotionally void aquarians aren't we westy! lol i used to worry about just about everything, it's way more fun this way. got left for dead 2 for my birthday, good times lol my week is going well
haha, left 4 dead 2 is great, as a present, but i can't justify buying it in terms of i think it's a scam (i get very pissy and silly over things like this :P) as it's no more than some tweaks and new maps. still great fun as far as games go though, get yourself a microphone and a jpint and it suddenly becomes goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood :lol:
ok i take back what i said about the mouse babies. i just got my first look at them and they already have fur and are super tiny and adorable! i'm keepin any females lol

v. lolled, loll·ing, lolls
v.intr.1. To move, stand, or recline in an indolent or relaxed manner.
2. To hang or droop laxly: a pennant lolling from the mast.

v.tr. To permit to hang or droop laxly: lolled his head on the armrest.

n. Archaic An act or attitude of lolling.

or were you being facetious

Who me? I just thought itd be a funnier image if the phants were cracking up over something lol.
Ive borrowed aLONE IN THE DARK FOR MY STATION ITS A SCARY GAME LOL IF U DUNT LIKE THE DARK LOL soz fuking caps lock and i canny be botherd top go delete it so ill shout instead YAY
ok i need you guys to figure out what fuckin bag of seeds i actually grabbed here LOL i've made a promise to myself never to leave bags unmarked again

update coming this evening Dairy queen fattening up a treat the 3 bairns are a mixed bag of results heavy duty fruity is near head height.

early durban is doing well if a little weird & chiesel is in dead last looks like its stopped growing all together despite being right under the light!?

first feed of shooting powder tonight :)
hey don im thinkin of gettin sum air pots for my next grow
wen u water does it all piss out of the sides????:joint::hump:
aye it does the trick is to water slowly so it drains through, id say you could water from the bottom but the bottom of the mesh stands about half an inch above the ground n collecting runoff would be a pain.
ive been supercropping late to avoid burn not ideal but easier than lifting them out to tie them over :)
the two im doing the side by side with are not the same pheno so the side by side is questionable

the creche

the snaggle tooth floater i near killed
looks lovely Don!! love ya work lol

my little brother showed me the amount he pays about 20 quid for last night, and i swear to god it's only a gram lol is that possible? people are paying that much for one gram?