Woah man, that light set up looks dodgy mate.
Its all wired up in solid core twin + earth!
Is the earth even wired to the plug? Looks like just the live n neutral goin from the ballast-plug?
Are you running a timer + contactor relay with that?
Id get a sealed ballast box asap mate, and your mates a sparky?? lol
Im no spark mate but i do work in the building trade alongside sparkys and thats just dodgy man.
Yup its a dodgy as it gets i must say though it hasnt burnt my house down yet n ive been using it for months?! forgive my ignorance but whats wrong with soild core n earth? as for the earth being wired to the plu, you know ive never looked, ill check when i get home. ive been using an envirolight timer/contactor for one light you know the one with the flip down plastic thing to stop it getting knocked. its been fine so far.
as for getting a sealed ballast box it's going to have to wait for at least a month or two possibly

funds being tighter than a ducks arse ( ive just moved into my own gaffe, just me to be able to do this )
yeah my mate is a sparky, i have no idea whether hes a good one though

you've got my paranoia building now i might have to get someone to check this over for me, i guess as another temporary measure * sighs* i could get a 200w Red enviro but i was trying to avoid that, as the 125 enviro was going to take care of momma and the 400 to flower. i reckon the 400 will give better results than a 200 w enviro?! what you think.
cheers for all the guidance aswell by the way!