1st from Seed Grow (Cowboy Style)


Well-Known Member
thats fucking shitty don. hope everything goes well for the lad. my thoughts are with you and your family mate.

anyway me and westy have kept your thread progressing through mindless chit chat......speak soon mate.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
cheers lads, hes starting to respond a bit the odd cough squeezing a finger etc but he's still out of it in the coma. waiting game.

i need a j the size of a fat birds leg.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
harsh ordeal. a friend of mine was in a hit and run while cycling, same ordeal in hospital with part of his skull removed etc, he pulled through after a few weeks and is steadily returning to normal so fingers crossed it'll be as smooth as is possible situation considered. i wish him all the best!

mr west

Well-Known Member
I donno wot to say mate it must be so hard. My mate was in an accident wen he was 13 the hospital left a blod clot in his brain for too long and it fucked him up permenantly, the hospital had to pay 800k compo to him but that dont make up for the gamy leg and arm his been left with since it happend. Hope he makes a full recovery don.


Well-Known Member
I hope he's making more and more progress as the days pass. All the best to you and yours mate.

You took my advice then Don lmao=)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
cheers bro, yeah i dunno what i was thinkin my heads been all over with the goings on.

further twist to the tale which i should probably delete in due course haha the raoul moat fella went to the same intensive care unit but thankfully they couldnt do owt for the twat.


Well-Known Member
They probably didn't try too hard to save him.
What the fuck was that bird thinking winding him up like that coz when it first kicked off he was obviously coked out of head, who writes a 49 page letter sober? I think she liked the idea of two blokes fighting over her. steriods+stimulants=dangerous paraniod wrecking machine
I'm prolly way out of order for saying that

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
seriously you wouldnt believe the collection of flowers outside the fuckers gate!?!?! theres even a candle like some sort of diana memorial bullshit. if there wasnt a copper parked outside i reckon theyd be kicked to bits. just goes to show he was actually probably just your average toon bouncer till his bitch filled his head with lies.

i spoke to one of the bobbies the other day the one he shot has lost one eye for deffo and the others had surgery and might have some sight in it. the guy said he was no coward how cowardly is shootin an unarmed copper then takin the cowards way himself. i was wondering how come no one else had been shot in his 'war on police' you know why he was down to his last shell when he topped himself.

what a dick.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
yeah, it's all a bit messed up. was just reading about how his brother is questioning the actual circumstances of his death. saying that the tazers may have caused him to shoot the gun etc. i'm in no place to say anything on the subject.

i saw that photo on the bbc page and thought it was pretty amusing

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
yeah i guesss well never know but lets face it he had the gun pointed to his head and hed previously said he wanted death by cop so either way fuck it i say,his br's probably out for the compen


Well-Known Member
The police here in the U.S. use thier job as an excuse to vent thier frustration wen need be,and cover each others tracks from the mayer down to the pig, maxe me sick and ashamed.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
man im sure they do that the world over. they do put up with a lot of bad press/ hatred and hopefully its only a minority that are power abusing dicks. ive met some really sound police this last couple of weeks.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
mornin chief! im in a bad way today. self inflicted of course...

off to the docs with my lass for a sicknote shortly then i think im going to lie on the sofa for a few hours and lick my wounds

hows yaself?

mr west

Well-Known Member
stoned as always lol. Nothing changes this end mate lol, oh lgp is on a job club course this week lol so im all alone by my joneses lol more weed for me lol