1st from Seed Grow (Cowboy Style)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
never underestimate the humble toe bro i love that shit

christ lad w rhino and bubblegum hash thats asking for a written off afternoon!! good drills

am gonna hit some purp sensi star or might kick my head right in with some blues muwhahahahaaaahahaaaa

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Without owning this place my cupboards are as good as is possible without being caught by the landlord. My flower cab is only ever half full due to convenience, so i've been thinking of ways to make use of the space of late, but no ideas seem to be of much use


Well-Known Member
?!?! i use a 600 but thanks anyway!
thast it does boyo! steak an beer for breakfast and i think im going to hit the bong for afters. god bless sundays!

went old skool bean shopping this morning got me a panama sativa and sensi silver haze for shits n giggeties.

hope everyones havin a good weekend.

i know man its a tricky balance believe you me i know...
You guys crack me up. Beer and steak for breakfast now thats my kinda wake up hahaahaa. Sign me up Donny. Life is good. 1bmm


Well-Known Member
Im with you there brother. Life is just to damn short to be a miserable cunt. Must live like a king while we can ayy. lol off to tend me ladies peace 1bmm

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
word, ive had some shit going on thats made me sad but you know what 2 fingers to it. anyone wants to put me down i cut out my life.

long as i got my lass and my girls im happy.

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Cave is quite good, thanks for asking. Work is slowing down early this summer it seems though. Ordered some Mental Floss from seed boutique almost three weeks ago but I noticed they stopped advertising it (ran out I suppose) a few days after I ordered and my account info says awaiting payment. I'll just get them through hemp depot if they dont run out too, as soon as I come up with a few extra dollars. Shoot I was going to try and get them into the next flower run but I guess not lol. Thats ok I'm going to start going perpetual again...2 months between harvests is like watching paint dry. Later man! :)

Going start a journal this fall.....I'll give you a yell brother. Good karma


Well-Known Member
yeah highlander you know perpetual is the way. i'm averageing 3 1/2 - 4 oz every 2 week in metre square room with 1 400w hps and no bloom booster.............keeps me going.lol. . .....good luck with it mate.

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
yeah highlander you know perpetual is the way. i'm averageing 3 1/2 - 4 oz every 2 week in metre square room with 1 400w hps and no bloom booster.............keeps me going.lol. . .....good luck with it mate.
Thats very cool Willy, I cant hit the 1 gpw with these strains. Ha ha And Ill bet it keeps you going too. I got empty jars all around and 2 weeks till harvest. I'd be really fooked if they were not 7 week strains :)


Well-Known Member
i feel for you mate. waiting for a crop can be horrible when you got no smoke. its taken me along time to get my perpetual going smoothly with decent yeilds, i have tried loads of different things and had many ups and downs but i have just about cracked it i think. its been 2 years in the making...

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Cave is quite good, thanks for asking. Work is slowing down early this summer it seems though. Ordered some Mental Floss from seed boutique almost three weeks ago but I noticed they stopped advertising it (ran out I suppose) a few days after I ordered and my account info says awaiting payment. I'll just get them through hemp depot if they dont run out too, as soon as I come up with a few extra dollars. Shoot I was going to try and get them into the next flower run but I guess not lol. Thats ok I'm going to start going perpetual again...2 months between harvests is like watching paint dry. Later man! :)

Going start a journal this fall.....I'll give you a yell brother. Good karma
yeah work always takes a nose dive in the summer months everyones out looking at totty and drinking hahah speakin of which it must be time for a cheeky mid work pint...
just looked up the mental floss the write up had me cracked up man recommended 3-5 flosses a day hahaha looks tasty tho man nice colour and apparently a hash lovers choice!? let me know how you get on man or i guess ill see in the 600. im looking for killer hash producers!

good luck and positive vibes bro. get that perpetual rolling brother

yeah highlander you know perpetual is the way. i'm averageing 3 1/2 - 4 oz every 2 week in metre square room with 1 400w hps and no bloom booster.............keeps me going.lol. . .....good luck with it mate.
thats a tidy score for a 400 willy man!
i feel for you mate. waiting for a crop can be horrible when you got no smoke. its taken me along time to get my perpetual going smoothly with decent yeilds, i have tried loads of different things and had many ups and downs but i have just about cracked it i think. its been 2 years in the making...
im currently rationing myself the last of my last crop its dwindling but the thought of buying any of the crap floating about my end... no way no how haha

takes a while to dial your op in eh willy. once its there tho it all seems worth the struggle!


Well-Known Member
yeah work always takes a nose dive in the summer months everyones out looking at totty and drinking hahah speakin of which it must be time for a cheeky mid work pint...
just looked up the mental floss the write up had me cracked up man recommended 3-5 flosses a day hahaha looks tasty tho man nice colour and apparently a hash lovers choice!? let me know how you get on man or i guess ill see in the 600. im looking for killer hash producers!

good luck and positive vibes bro. get that perpetual rolling brother

thats a tidy score for a 400 willy man!

im currently rationing myself the last of my last crop its dwindling but the thought of buying any of the crap floating about my end... no way no how haha

takes a while to dial your op in eh willy. once its there tho it all seems worth the struggle!
yeah don its been a mad few years but i got it sussed now i think. its like everytime i try something new i get a couple more grams. i have had mould problems, heat problems, nute problems and even cloning problems but i have worked my way through the thick of it. the main problem is when your doin single cola clones you have to get the size just right i am even toying with the idea of getting a 600......

thats shit about the weed situation mate how long till you get your crop on?
and where is westy, 5, oscar, las fingers and every other fucker? seems like this website has died a death.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
ah man peeps come n go its the summer folks do outdoor shit hahaha i think a few fucked off to speedy seeds quite un secure site. and ya know some folk just get what info they need and shoot off. i know who's keepin it real here man! as im sure you do ;)

i hear you on the problems id say ive been through the majority but in fact weve both barely scratched the surface. haha wait till you get mites oh hahah the fuckers

dude up to the 600 if you can get away with the extra heat your wasting grams not doing it. the increase in lumens is no where near the proprtional increase in watts ;)

stay up broseph!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
sweet baby jesus and the orphans.... no warning just in there with the ripples like some sort of tsunami wave shit. your a bad man fred, but that why we love ya