1st from Seed Grow (Cowboy Style)


Well-Known Member
yeah mate i put a dehumidifier in the grow room on a timer. soon as the lights go out the dehumidifier comes on, it has a dial on it so i set it to 40% rh. it only has too be on at night cos thats when the mould builds up. worked a fuckin treat

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
i think thats where im going wrong i have mine running through the day, the lady downstairs is at work days and the fan hums a fair bit anyway without the extra hum of the dehumidifier. ( mines just a cheapo no setting sadly, still fucking 90 bar like)


Well-Known Member
Mine was only 90 quid. On rainy nights it pulls over a litre of water from the air without touching the water in the coco. I have it raised up to canopy level

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
its so adictive man ive been taking them on and off a while kicked them 3 times but i havent been sleeping right for months man. stress money worries smokin a ton of dope just made me para not sleepy and nytols hahaha i could do a box in and go for a job

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
girls are back to 1200 watts and loving it. getting a fair bit of late naners and some beans being reported in the quick dried pheno. big pips. not loads thankfully, but i think ill be dropping cherry cheese like a sack of hammers.

seeds n naners
3 headed cherry cheese monster
other cherry ched pheno
stocky pheno minus its mouldy main cola :(
group shot.

so theres a few beans and naners knocking about but im not too worried ill be picking some beans out :(

