1st from Seed Grow (Cowboy Style)

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
just the odd couple ;) variety is the spice of life, or so they say, i just want to try them all
fair play to ya and good luck ;) dogs looking frosty man, my ballsy i one i chopped did have slight frosting at nearly 3 weeks, wish i took some pics now lmao

edit - not frosting but u know what i'm saying? lol

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hope that was a padded seat!.. subbed
aye i bet he's not firing full metal jackets for sure!!!
Alright, just stopping by to say HIGH old yin! By-the-way gadgie, that dude canny half handle that one-wheeler eh! I bet he could do a mean bunny-hop on a Diamond Back! ;)
alreet jambo lad, that fella can bunny hop on 1 wheel higher than i ever could on my bmx hahah doubt i could do a road cone now
fair play to ya and good luck ;) dogs looking frosty man, my ballsy i one i chopped did have slight frosting at nearly 3 weeks, wish i took some pics now lmao
edit - not frosting but u know what i'm saying? lol
cheers las! im wondering what the dogs would be like in the baby pots ive got so im really hoping the new snips take, i went to take a snip off the herm one last night and theres nowt underneath the 5 main colas to snip theyve all got big budsites id rather not chop off so who knows a reveg may be the only way, ill assess the gear at the end and see which dog is gonna be my pedigree chum.

frosting lol anything that curles the fan leaves up with trichs doen the ridge gets my vote lad, sometimes and its kanny rare you get under leaf frost. hasdmakers heaven lol

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
oh yeah!! just looked at my cheeses (mop bucket and blue) and theres not half as much on the bottom as the top (just over 7 weeks 12 :))

my beauty hb has got a little frosting now at 3 weeks 12 2moro, i'll get some pics up when the batts have charged a bit later :)

hope ur good donny and the rest of the gang?

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
yeah im champ man, got the office to myself, am thinking a spliff and a carry out from the boozer over the road.

look forward to your HB shots man, i cant stop looking at mine.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
I’m fucking pissed off. a day before new years I moved 2 DD's to another account so they were all coming out of A basic bank account did an online move thing, the DD's disappeared, the useless fuck in Mumbai didn’t know where they’d gone. He said the concern team will get back to you in a few days, I said hold on there what if the DD doesn’t re appear in time. He didn’t know. They didn’t call but one payment went through the other didn’t.

As this was the third instance of this happening in the last year (not enough funds in acc) hsbc decided they were going to close my account with all my DDs coming out and have only sent a letter to me today. So not only am I cut off from the grand in that account until they transfer it to another account I’ve missed all my DD's and will no doubt be charged for every single fucking one I now have to set up all my DDs again with another bank. As I’m point blank refusing to give the bastards any more of my money.

Kicker is I have a loan with them that has to be linked to a current account so I can’t even close it. I swear to god if hsbc were a real person they’d have broken teeth right about now. Hongkong Shenanigans Bastard Cunts.

I’m thinking dirty protest in the branch. See how some upstart in a fucking suit likes shite smeared up his tie.


Well-Known Member
I’m fucking pissed off. a day before new years I moved 2 DD's to another account so they were all coming out of A basic bank account did an online move thing, the DD's disappeared, the useless fuck in Mumbai didn’t know where they’d gone. He said the concern team will get back to you in a few days, I said hold on there what if the DD doesn’t re appear in time. He didn’t know. They didn’t call but one payment went through the other didn’t.

As this was the third instance of this happening in the last year (not enough funds in acc) hsbc decided they were going to close my account with all my DDs coming out and have only sent a letter to me today. So not only am I cut off from the grand in that account until they transfer it to another account I’ve missed all my DD's and will no doubt be charged for every single fucking one I now have to set up all my DDs again with another bank. As I’m point blank refusing to give the bastards any more of my money.

Kicker is I have a loan with them that has to be linked to a current account so I can’t even close it. I swear to god if hsbc were a real person they’d have broken teeth right about now. Hongkong Shenanigans Bastard Cunts.

I’m thinking dirty protest in the branch. See how some upstart in a fucking suit likes shite smeared up his tie.
you can't really win unfortunately mate, they shit on people every day of their working lives and their arsehole is a dam sight bigger than yours. santander is the way better than them but they are more than likely still cunts.

we should start our own bank were the commodity is bud not gold, that is the future.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
aye i know thats the main annoyance bout it, theyve got me by the short n curlies. are santander the business like? priority now is clear that loan and get it closed. im thinking if i can get a couple of G loan ill just pay one with the other and bounce.


Well-Known Member
get maxed out on credit cards and loans and move to holland and live with dst til you get your feet on the ground, PLAN!.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hahahah im only just getting things turned round in 2 years ive given the bastads back best part of 15k then they pull this. tho id love to i doubt D's mrs would be too keen lol hows the floorspace D? lmao

to be honest i think half of the north easts wanted are already over there. id fit reet in


Well-Known Member
i laugh whenever i go over there it's scousers and sweaty socks, where's all the bloody dutch!?!?


Well-Known Member
out of the pricey tourist bit man. its like trying to find a cockney in london. then again i think id probably speak to a cloggy before a cockney
now you are on to something
when i go the away matches in london i have a game, ask somebody if they have the time, if they answer you and they are a cockney then you get a £5, needless to say i always go home skint