1st from Seed Grow (Cowboy Style)

basically yeah the window in the room is open but small. so the fans pulling in warm air from around the tent from the room through the tents vents
I get it now. No a/c for your flat? Mine have all been in the basement or crawl so there was cool air all around. I'm getting into the later months of flower so I may pick up a dehumitifier as they are going on clearence around here for the season.... I'm running RH of 60-70% right now and want to bring it down.

Sorry don, no more fattys from me appart from fat biftas

jesters seal of approval

I get it now. No a/c for your flat? Mine have all been in the basement or crawl so there was cool air all around. I'm getting into the later months of flower so I may pick up a dehumitifier as they are going on clearence around here for the season.... I'm running RH of 60-70% right now and want to bring it down.

hahaha AC im in england man in the cold north end of the island. ive been thinking about an ac unit which would solve alot of my probs but would still need to exhaust somewhere.

ive put a 6" fan in the corner of the tent opening and reset my thermometer to see what it gets up to today weve got outside temps of abvout 20c today so im expecting itll be about 30 in the tent, that or my girls are gonna be crispy:cry:

im starting to think ill have to move house or just shut down for the summer months which are only july to beginning of sept here 3 month shutdown is somethin i dont want to do tho ya know hahah
thats how ive got mine setup. i worry that an extra 6" fan on top of the one ive got will be loud for downstairs its pretty loud as is. i could do with getting an accoustic one really, that might be the way forward get an accoustic one to suck through the filter and just use the one i have to pump air straight through,, i still fear that that will make the filter redundant and the house stink?!?!

a 400 would probably be an easy half way house like

You need a 'cool tube' for that sort of summertime fun...

600 in the summer = cooltube - ducted.

Where not cooking toast here Don :lol:
on the upside ive got roots showing on most of my 12 clones!!!!! im going to make make sure they are established n flower the mothers to make space for the TGA show to begin WOOOP WOOOOP im also really tempted to get some more beans but am restraining myself just...

You need a 'cool tube' for that sort of summertime fun...

600 in the summer = cooltube - ducted.

Where not cooking toast here Don :lol:

youd have thought otherwise the way my chiesel finished up lol chiesel on toast all round

im going to have a long hard think about the best way to solve this i might get a new door and put a hole in it but i cant see the missus being happy with me pumpin hot air into the house during the summer hahah or i might downgrade to a 400. maybe try a stealth vent to the window?!?! or i might move house well see...

thanks for advice tho guys cheers!
The ladies are at the top of there game its upto the men to sort them selfs out.
May be we should put the ladies in the ashes.
hahaha AC im in england man in the cold north end of the island. ive been thinking about an ac unit which would solve alot of my probs but would still need to exhaust somewhere.

ive put a 6" fan in the corner of the tent opening and reset my thermometer to see what it gets up to today weve got outside temps of abvout 20c today so im expecting itll be about 30 in the tent, that or my girls are gonna be crispy:cry:

im starting to think ill have to move house or just shut down for the summer months which are only july to beginning of sept here 3 month shutdown is somethin i dont want to do tho ya know hahah

I guess I'm confused again. If you have a window in the room and you put a 6000 btu A/C in the window and it cools the room and the cool air gets sucked in through the lower openings on the tent and a fan pulls that cool air through your tent as it gets warmed by the light and pushes it out with the fan to the outsied where it mixes with the cool air in the room and gets cycled back through the A/C how are you recycling hot air? If your worried about the smell duct your fan through a filter like westie and I have.....
sorry 5 it has been m mentioned on more than one occaision that i speak in riddles......ahahah i cant put the AC in the window its too obvious as its on the front of the house everyone would catch on. otherwise perfect plan!