1st from Seed Grow (Cowboy Style)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
by the way.. buds look great donny. =) as always! pretty excited. just got a 5 pack of sum BluBerry seeds... =) pure breeding. cant wait to start them!! XD gonna startem today.. hopefull find a nice male and a nice female.. maybe make sum F2's. my MOD is STILL drying.. most of my strains dry in like 3-4 days.. this ones soo dense... its been a week... and theyre still not dried yet... friggin rediculous! lol. check out these pics... think that BlueBerry x MOD would make an interesting cross.. the MOD tastes and smells like Lemon and a kush taste. smells like lemons and the purple bag of skittles. Mmmmmmmmm.... =)
thanks man, your spears look pretty damn good too lad! MOD going to be a regular in the garden for a good while then eh?!

i needa get myself sum dry ice for my next hash run. looks to produce alotta better hash than using ice/water extraction method. theres only 1 place around my area that sels dry ice.. i needa get down there sumtime tho. seems alot faster too. =)
man it was so easy compared to the bubble. which isn;t all that hard anyway but the end product is so much cleaner. no green colour what so ever and the yield was better too. kinda wished i hadn;t bothered making the bubble at all. my only criticism is it does need a bit more processing at the end, i've basically got pressed kief now instead of the hash which is like rock. fun to play around with it though. i put it in the toilet afterwards for shits n giggles the bog looked like the end scene to amityville. mrs went ape shit though apparently they cracked the pipes at work putting the waste down the sink. you can imagine trying to explain how i fucked the bog to the landlord eh lmao
damn i ve been on this site a long time now and no one ever asked me for a topless picture. how insulting! lmao
sending some smelly cherry love your way cowboy.getting my scrog on this extended holiday weekend. ya wanna have a tanning comp with me this summer?lol
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my my how time flies she's getting that swerve on! as for topless pics, well you do have a Mr DAT to consider.
i bet you thought i was a female all this time. hahaha tricked you again. mmmwwwaaahhhhh!!!!!!!!!
sweet jeebus i take it back. anyone else think this fella looks like renee from ello ello?
what has been seen cannot be unseen :shock:

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member

so the aerocloner appears to have worked, though i'm sure these things are sposed to be fast as fook. this is two weeks on and the roots look translucent not the fine white things i see other people getting. the cuttings look hungry so maybe they've taken a while because of it.

one of the dog's might be showing me sacks early or may actually be a full blown gadgie :shock: maybe?!?! everything else chugging along. got the joys of hoovering out and wiping down the tent but that's happening tomorrow when its not 25C

now i go beer, toodles


Well-Known Member
You need a DOG clone by the sounds of things Don.

I just killed a DOG male today :shock: I got the two smelliest left though;) These boys look dangerous!!!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
rock on tommy! i've just spent an hour sorting the tent out hoovering the walls floor and then mild bleaching the fucker, with the 600 on. buck nekkid. fuck me, i've had to have another shower afore setting off to work. glad i didn't try those capers yesterday.

seedy weed is still popular it seems lmao my pal took a bag to a party the other night n cos he was skinning up on the fly a few pips made it into the mix. was like those party bangers for putting in tabs, much hilarity then much nose holding as the reek of burnt pip fills the room.

it's still proper george and andy up here i'm rocking the shorts and going to the pub this after. the queen has missed a trick, should have bumped her do forward a week it' gonna belt down next week muahwahahahaaaaa


Well-Known Member
Dont say that... I'm going down to Cornwall this weekend, private lodge and hot tub, gonna get wreckfaced
I been keeping an eye on the weather it was not looking good a few days ago, temps seem to be rising steadily though... Fingers crossed

The seedy J story reminds me of when I skinned up an entire spliff with nothing but seeds.. I gave it to some guy who tried for about a minute to try get it to burn.. It just kept popping like popcorn every time he held a flame haha he kept asking if I had mulled it proper. It supposedly makes you sterile, a few months later he banged some bird in a tent at a festival, 9 months later she shat out a kid out her va-jay-jay so maybe not.

rock on tommy! i've just spent an hour sorting the tent out hoovering the walls floor and then mild bleaching the fucker, with the 600 on. buck nekkid. fuck me, i've had to have another shower afore setting off to work. glad i didn't try those capers yesterday.

seedy weed is still popular it seems lmao my pal took a bag to a party the other night n cos he was skinning up on the fly a few pips made it into the mix. was like those party bangers for putting in tabs, much hilarity then much nose holding as the reek of burnt pip fills the room.

it's still proper george and andy up here i'm rocking the shorts and going to the pub this after. the queen has missed a trick, should have bumped her do forward a week it' gonna belt down next week muahwahahahaaaaa

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
. i cant believe what a dumb ass that dude was for thinking smoking seeds makes you sterile and then puts it to the test! lmao..
so hows that hash don??.I lost my pm priviledges a while ago but i never new why until yesterday. Seems that i was caught "spaming" members. lol.. But i never spamed anyone. I dont even know how! Good luck with the next grow. ARe you still going to do double 600s through the summer? I got my AC so i can now run my double 600s. I put the AC on 62 degrees and it keeps the tent at 76- 82 ..so that works a charm.(6pm to 6 am)...... Smelly cherry is flowering now. Shes rather small but im hoping for some potent quality buds from her. do you where a cowboy hat when you garden naked? lol

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
haha hardly the most common form of contraception i'd have thought lol.

hash is a bit lairy to be honest DAT. bit much for me but i test drove it anyway. after a day in the sun drinking. wise move hahah memory blank and passed out an hour or so later with my lass trying to put aftersun on my pink stripey face whilst singing adam ant's prince charming. Locs are not good for face tan...

sucks about your PM privs, this place went to the dogs when they let a zillion newbs be mods. we're looking into alternatives ;)

with the recent heatwave lol 4 days of sun i should say i've cut down to one 600 as i'm only vegging under it. twin 6's on 18/6 would be near 40c i'm sure when it's 26-7 outside. I'm keeping fingers crossed my trip to the states will coincide nicely with me vegging my next lot while i'm away, bit scared to do it but i've done it before. gonna fire up those autopots again so should be ok unless we have another heatwave. if that goes ok it'll be mid september and cold again lol

should see an impressive main cola on your smelly cherry from what i saw! hope so

i generally just wear flip flops and my sunglasses ;)

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
sounds like a really well planned out plan for your perspective grows! when you get to the states maybe you can pick up some 151 proof to take home to make some killer goowee pure resin hash oil. have you had the opportunity to make that before? I really enjoy smoking it and the simplicty of making it. (thanks dst for the recipe)
I still think we should have tanning comp. . we can conclude the compition after you get back from the states with that last coat of tropical sunraze on you. i got burnt pretty bad this past weekend on my back in one place where i couldnt get the suntan cream. but im ready to get back in the game. take care naked cowboy.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hahahah amber if i pack 151 i won't be making anything with it other than a mess of myself. that shit's firewater. i've smoked the first batch DST made. in fact i believe i was the first to tell him bout the quick wash. could be wrong. my memory of that trip to Adam is pretty cloudy.

you want a tanning comp, hell yeah i'm down. though you living where you do puts me on the back foot. if i can keep this one going till i get away in august i should be pretty broon by hometime.

ttfn Doc remember aftersun + cocoa butter don't want to be peeling and losing all that bronze ;)


Well-Known Member
awwwwww come on amber.... i didnt think id ever have to see that pic again!!!! hahahaha. ughh man. dude looks like a fat old Stone Cold Steve Austin.. lmao.

heyyy donn just cut the cheese... heh heh heh. =) seriously tho. i chopped her down yesterday. not a bad yielder. buds looks good considering it threw out nanners.. and has seeds. not sure how seedy it is yet. we will have to wait and seeeeee. check out a couple pics. =) **the cherry cheese x livers has been flwoering for a week or 2. stays very short and stout. hasnt stretched much as all!

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curious old fart

Well-Known Member
It's the only liquor I've seen with a warning
Overconsumption may endanger you health

and a caution
Not intened for consumption unless mixed with non-alcoholic beverage

and another caution
extremely flammable

.......but it makes great erl


Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
bishops finger? hahaha nice nuggets chris. you should try the exo some time. if subcool can get it smuggled to the US i'm sure it can be done twice.

hope your smelly cheds is a nice one man, some of the pheno's my mate dave described as smelling like dog poo :rolleyes:

for the record those pips will not be available at breedersboutique :lol:

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
It's the only liquor I've seen with a warning
Overconsumption may endanger you health

and a caution
Not intened for consumption unless mixed with non-alcoholic beverage

and another caution
extremely flammable

.......but it makes great erl

yeah i've heard of those crazy college kids making buckets of punch with it. i imagine the headache would put you off a repeat performance quite easily... though it hasn't stopped me yet with other drink


Well-Known Member
dog poo huh...... thats a 1st. lmao. interestinggg.. and thats a cool vid.. its be funny as shit if you were just sittin on the toilet and sum walked in and saw that.. lol