1st from Seed Grow (Cowboy Style)


Well-Known Member
I only do it for percy, i don't wanna get greedy but i can see how easliy you COULD make a small fortune or a large one lmao

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
sketchy hermies. how bad were the nanners? i still want to try out sum of subcools genetics tho.
nothing to major maybe a half dozen on the one plant
and im stoked im about to see excision and datsik
Like don said you got to pay your way, I would add dont deal, keep your mouth shut & keep the smells to a min, apart from that what else can you do?My dad would say get a job in parliament and get the law changed.
haha my dad stays pretty silent about it all he's not condoning nor accepting i think its called denial....
i wish i could share prop 215 with u guys
one day we'll have our prop... one day
I only do it for percy, i don't wanna get greedy but i can see how easliy you COULD make a small fortune or a large one lmao
its the same as all things in life there has to be balance. you start to get greedy somewhere down the line someone will fuck you or you'll fuck up.

im on no ones radar, im not selling to kids or robbing grannies for smack i help a couple of friends out.

big time commercial guys get pinched.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
haha, i know EXACTLY what you mean about not going OTT, couple of guys i know, including my previous flat mate, well they just don't know when it's safe and when it's dangerous to keep going.

and hell yes we'll get our prop 215 :D i mean hell, if i can turn to my parents, one a vicar, the other a lawyer (the vicar is hardcore, the lawyer is mr righteousm tried to make me phone up the rail company to pay for my ticket over the phone because i skipped on a train the week before :D) and get them to happily accept that i smoke, that it doesn't turn me into this stereotypical madman and such, then there's gonna be change before toooo long. not to mention, the amount of poeople who're beginning to grow because of how readily available the kit is, and at good prices these days it seems :)

and if not, then well, i guess we'll have no choice but to carry on as normal :)

and i like that picture on the left, looks like pineapple! somehow!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
i think its a good idea medical weed in the uk but to be honest i dont have any reason for a prescription.

yeah knowing when to cut your losses is a good thing eh man

welsh wizz

Well-Known Member
lol it makes me think of...............


How the fk do u watch a 6 min vid in a min lmfao.


Well-Known Member
this is the best beasty boys song lol.
[youtube]<object width="660" height="525"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/Vv3lipNbWbU&hl=en&fs=1&hd=1&border=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/Vv3lipNbWbU&hl=en&fs=1&hd=1&border=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="660" height="525"></embed></object>>[/youtube]

couldnt pic sorry guys lol.
[youtube]<object width="660" height="525"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/C05jxiUuH8U&hl=en&fs=1&hd=1&border=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/C05jxiUuH8U&hl=en&fs=1&hd=1&border=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="660" height="525"></embed></object>[/youtube]

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hahaha cheers for the musical interlude peeps, and jester that is one of my favourite Beasties tracks, from way back when they had a sense of humour!


Well-Known Member
That Mr B is friggin amazing! Striaght outta surrey is a must see for any cricket/hip hop fan. Westy put that in a thread a while back and its pure class.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member

well i had a bit of a funny encounter with my downstairs neighbour this afternoon, some toerag has nicked his gf's bike out of the shed under our shared stairs n he was wondering if id heard or seen anything. i hadnt.

anyway he asks me if i like my smoke?! im like well a bit from time to time yeah. n he starts saying well sometimes ive been walking past the front and smelled it n been like damn smells like don's got some good smoke in! anyway he ended up asking when i was next picking up n if i could get him some lol.

im well para that you can smell it outside but i think he's refering to when i needed a new filter cos i cant smell a thing. but im still para he's gonna have the law round. i dont want them sniffing round the house...


Well-Known Member
I doubt the old bill will investigate a nicked bike. They'll just give him a crime number for the insurance. Are you gonna let him have a bit?

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hahah yeah thats what i thought, but the neighbours chased off a kid trying to thieve their bikes that were chained up out the back too. the plod did actually turn up pretty quick, i was stunned.

yeah ill square him a bag. should be a giggle im going to ask him for the money up front n tell him ive got to go and meet the bloke hahaha


Well-Known Member
I hope you're gonna give him a good price lol
What does weed go for these days? its been a while since i've had to find any on the "street"


Well-Known Member
Dude get a new filter.... ASAP. Go buy one before replying to this thread. Haha j/k, but seriously man it is important to stay safe. I live in the same house I grow in, and I cant smell it anymore. When close friends come over they tell me they smell it in the driveway...

Good luck. And, if you grow I would be cautious about supplying other people with their habbits. Especially strangers