1st from Seed Grow (Cowboy Style)

no... but I'll ask my friend who knows such things. And for some reason sometimes the stuff just doesn't want to go to budder. Even peeps who have done it time after time, find a batch that wont turn the corner.

It's true. Some strains just won't budder. I heard it's something to do with the trichombs but don't quote me on that.
hows tricks mate hope things are good ur way? all plants are lookin pukka as usual i take it the dog is all woman? from wot i can see ras
alreet fella! well there were deffo some seeds i saw at week 4 but no more since and only on one of the plants?! my memory is pretty shit but i'm 99% sure they are both the same cut yet one looks really different so maybe not hehe. and i'm not going to complain at a few selfed seeds. tho i am probably going to let the strain go. need the space for other things and i'm not moving with a boat load of plants.... never again.

cheers man!

who knows maybe ill ask you the fairy for a cut of yours after xmas haha
"Just smoking oil exclusively" Shoot man I haven't smoked any oil since high school days, with all the green around the cave I'm thinking I had better learn how to make some lol.

Garden is looking very fine brother!
hahah BHO seems to have taken the US by storm of late. some of the tubes they sell are insanely big. like you could probably fit a few Oz of green in them. id be wary id blow myself to pieces. it's a lovely smoke tho. i'm really wanting to get into different things. folks go nuts round my way for nice green but specialty combustibles keeps you ahead of the game and then some.

thanks man, just on my way to your garden! liking the new avvy too man.
ooooh you cheeky monkey hahah howay man, owt goes in here man.

christ those are some bushes lad. how are you going to support that lot come 9 weeks haha
fuck nos m8 prob stake them at wk 3 or i got some of that pea and bean netting but i dont really no what to do wit it? lol
think it might be a bit past netting it mate. though having said that you probably could. its a piece of piss just cable tie the four corners and weave the dope through. though with those beasts a second layer a foot or 2 up might be called for. stakes might be easier.
stakes it is then lol biggest indoor plants i ever done and now they got a 600 each n a tent each im happy lol only jus took them pics n sorted it out.
should do, i generally lollipop the bottoms just to save fucking about with loads of popcorn, tho i haven't done it this run co i'm going to butane the underfluff
yeah man, i did a load with everclear recently and thought it wouldn't really go as its so hard to work with but peeps loved it. and it couldn't be simpler to make. get a decent return out if it too.
alreet fella! well there were deffo some seeds i saw at week 4 but no more since and only on one of the plants?! my memory is pretty shit but i'm 99% sure they are both the same cut yet one looks really different so maybe not hehe. and i'm not going to complain at a few selfed seeds. tho i am probably going to let the strain go. need the space for other things and i'm not moving with a boat load of plants.... never again.

cheers man!

who knows maybe ill ask you the fairy for a cut of yours after xmas haha

few seeds hasnt hurt n e 1 b4 lol ur more than welcome for a cut im sure the fairy wouldnt mind bringin u sum:-Pras
she's a good lass that fairy eh ;) she's going to courier some to the dogs master for comparisons in a few weeks. i'm interested to see how it compares
Hi guys , hows it going, only 998 pages late but im here and now im subb'ed lol .... sambo ahem sorry .. newuser ... nice looking beasts there mate :)

Don , ladies are looking sweeeeeeet :)

if anyone is interested iv just started a journal with my psycos ... ill need all the help i can get so everyones input is appriciated , especially guys as knowledgeable as you Don :)
welcome fella, i swear i replied last night a load of rambling stoned bollocks about mind control and Hitler but i think RIU was a bit spazzy.

cheers fella aye they're coming on, parts i'm not happy with but others im well happy . lol

gladly help you man. tho at the moment i cant help with your lack of weed situation man :(