1st Grow: 1200watt SOB


Active Member
2 white widow and 1 bag seed in a "Sea of Bush" under two 600watt HPS after 3 months.

Veg, Week 6

Flower, Day 1 (after 3 months veg)


Active Member
one week into flower. stretched almost a foot. dry as a bone 5 days after last feed. no wilting, but a new growth on that bag seed plant in the back is a little on the lime green side. the two in the front are white widow. they never drank this much during veg. i guess things are starting to happen!



Active Member
feeding bat guano, bone meal, wood ash, great white, molasses, and soy lecithin that's been festering with air stone for 2 days. using citric acid as pH down with rain water + tap water. discontinued seabird guano and seaweed. sticky as hell with a faint citrus scent. autumning off of a few of the bigger, lower fan leaves since about week 3. had to raise lights because of bleaching of upper leaves (might be from UVB lights) and pistils on tip of tallest colas shriveling up from heat. green color has since returned and pistils are getting nice and plump!
