1st Grow 124w CFL Closet Grow


Okay str8 to the point....This was a bagseed grow...I started out with 23 germinated seeds, 5 solo red cups, an old cheese dip containter, and the sun.

After the seeds germinated I placed them in the red cups in Miracle Grow potting mix in the window seal getting natural light.

Did some research realized the plants could not grow together for too long so I made a trip to walmart and found a tomato greenhouse kit that came with peat pellets. (Now this is week two of the seedlings sitting in the window)After I purchased this I went home and transplanted the extra seedlings into its own pellet.

Now I have ran into a problem...I have too many pellets for the window seal...so i do more research and decide to get serious and make a "grow room area" in my closet.

I decide to use my lamp that I have as the main light source and use the greenhouse that I bought to start the plants off. I then jet to walmart and purchase what I thought was going to do the "whole" job....A 42w 2700k CFL(silly me). When I get home I place the light in the lamp and lean it directly over the seedling in the greenhouse. I still had seedlings in the window seal just to see which would grow better.

By week 4 I notice I have very lanky plants with only 1-2 sets of leaves, and no roots have shot out the bottom and sides so i do some research and learn that I have the WRONG kind of light on my plants and this has caused them to overstretch seriously. At this time I decide to continue to use the light and transplant all the seedlings in pellets into red cups. Seeing that the plants closer to the light were much fuller than the others I decide that i "might" need more light(lol). Also I am not using the greenhouse now the plants are too long for it.

Week 5 comes around and I notice that i am really into this even tho I have so many plants they are all precious to me. Anywho I see that some plants in the window are bigger than those in the closet(which i had on manual lighting) so I researched homemade grow boxes/rooms to get ideas for lighting. I use different key things from different people to improve my closet within my budget. And decide its time to flower in order to keep my plants within the size I can allow given the circumstances I am doing this in a apartment and have roommates that dont know.

So I go out and get a timer, a light y-splitter, and a lamp cord kit. I would end up using some 20w CFLs that Duke Power sent me in the y splitter and hang it about 3-5 inches from above the plants while keeping the 42w lamp giving light from the side. I put the plants on the timer but I started off 18/6 for a week until i switched over to 12/12. I also start using Schultz 10-15-10 plant food(not even knowing if it really works)

A week goes by (week 6)(week 1 flower)and I decide to take those plants out the window and place them in the closet for flowering. At this time I also get rid of the smaller plants and kept the biggest ones. I am left with 13. I have 4 plants that are bigger than the rest and 3 out of the four I can tell are different strains by the flower patterns. I notice some preflowers on a couple of the big plants but cant tell what they are. At this time I notice one plant is growing so much that I keep raising the light for it and the others are not getting light...so i decide to top the plant to "stop" it from getting so tall..by now i am convinced that this is a male no doubt because of its size.

By week 7 (2 weeks into flowering) At the beginning of the week the plant i topped and thought was a male spit out some pistils right at where I topped it. I am happy to finally KNOW FOR SURE that i havent been growing for nothing. By the end of the week the other plants have grown much more and again I get rid of the littler ones leaving me with 8 plants. Also I notice that my second biggest plant is male and I off it :( I also remove the little plants and put them in a window seal for a day until i could get a spot to raise these guys in order to maximize the light that the female gets.

Week 8 (3 weeks flower) I decide to make a cheap grow box for the little plants to keep vegging until they are of size that i like to flower. So i go buy 2 20-gallon rubbermaid containers from Home Depot. I buy another 42w 2700k CFL, lamp cord kit, another lamp, 2 cans Rubberized spray, and 2 cans flat white spray paint. I went to radio shack and bought a 120mm computer fan and i removed an 80mm fan from an old power supply.
Ok after I construct the box I redid my lighting in the closet. I put the 2 42w CFL in the y-splitter above the plants and put the Duke Power provided 20w bulbs in the 2 lamps that I now have for the side lighting.
By the end of the week (today) I have either removed all males, and/or moved the little plants to the vegging chamber because they were not ready to mature.
I am left with 2 females that i believe are from the mid-grade weed we get around here. I hope they grow I will post pics as soon as i can.

Oh yea...the one i thought was a male and topped...i also supercropped...and is now a 13 top bearing female..who would have ever known.

2011-06-11_18-15-53_773.jpg2011-06-11_18-15-43_314.jpg2011-06-11_18-15-27_714.jpg2011-07-02_13-39-56_644.jpg2011-07-02_13-40-15_428.jpg2011-07-04_17-07-57_62.jpg2011-07-04_17-08-15_192.jpg2011-07-20_11-48-05_939.jpg2011-07-20_20-47-47_849.jpg2011-07-20_20-47-21_287.jpg2011-07-20_11-48-40_29.jpg2011-07-20_11-48-53_789.jpg2011-07-20_11-47-31_589.jpg2011-07-20_11-48-18_745.jpg2011-07-21_13-48-33_813.jpg2011-07-21_13-48-14_318.jpg2011-07-21_13-47-10_779.jpg2011-07-21_13-47-38_697.jpg2011-07-21_13-47-53_556.jpg2011-07-22_12-46-33_387.jpg2011-07-22_12-48-18_124.jpg2011-07-22_12-48-07_968.jpg2011-07-22_12-48-28_918.jpg2011-07-22_12-47-16_503.jpg2011-07-22_12-47-50_372.jpg2011-07-22_12-47-36_911.jpg2011-07-23_22-47-20_569.jpg2011-07-23_22-47-35_62.jpg2011-07-23_22-48-23_915.jpg2011-07-23_22-47-51_125.jpg100_0483.jpg100_0484.jpg100_0485.jpg100_0486.jpg100_0487.jpg Last 5 are from today 8-26-2011


Well-Known Member
I'm a bit confused, you're growing how many plants with 124w? Also do you have any fans actually blowing on to the plants?


Active Member
looking sweet, im starting my first grow in a week with 144w=10008 lumens for one plant personal use only any problems u come across with your grow or tips that my benefit me? looking forward for the yield im hoping to get an ounce off my single plant


looking sweet, im starting my first grow in a week with 144w=10008 lumens for one plant personal use only any problems u come across with your grow or tips that my benefit me? looking forward for the yield im hoping to get an ounce off my single plant
Main tips are patience, planning, and discipline. I also wish to yield at least an ounce off my big female being she has 13 tops...Im going to transplant her into a 2 gallon bucket in a few days to maximize growth for the rest of flowering.


Oh and yes I have a have blowing full power on those that are in the closet...those in the grow box have a computer fan blowing down low so i'll be inserting a mini fan inside there


Well its been a minute since my last update....so i've decided to give you people an update lol...I upgraded to 194w 2700K and transplanted my clones as well as topped them...I also trimmed up the other plant thats beginning to show pistils and supercropped and topped it...I do have one question can ANYONE OUT THERE NAME THE STRAIN??:joint:


Well-Known Member
it's very hard to say what you will yeild. anywhere from 1 oz to 5. Just make sure you dry it properly before you smoke/sell it.

I keep getting these .7 short bags, that lose 1g before I can smoke the bag! sorry, just venting.