1st grow, 18th day flower! trichs! :D


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, this is my first official grow, I'm running fox farms FFOE soil. And the fox farms nutes lineup. Liquids and solids. The one on the left is my GG#4, right is super glue, and the little one on bottom is the master kush! All showing trichs! :) I vegged till about 1 foot tall. Now the superglue and gg#4 are pushing about 3 feet, Under a 400watt hps. And this would be day 18 of flower. The humidity stays around 50 - 60 I'm hoping that'll be okay Further on into flower. But let me know what yall think and how it looks :) thanks!



Well-Known Member
400w/FFOF/FF nutes was what I did my first run with, worked great and very user-friendly. You may want to supplement with Epsom Salts and molasses later in flower.

I've heard GG can be hard to grow, but you're in soil so you should be fine. Good luck!