1st Grow 1st Journal

Night Claptoman

Well-Known Member
I usually go 24\0 with CFLs as it promotes faster growth and doesn't requier a timer.
When I use big lights for veg. I go 18\6 when the dark cicle is at the hottest time of the day. It saves energy and helps maintaining uniform temperature over the day.
CFLs doesn't give out enough heat for me to be concerned about it that much and I rarely go over 100W with CFLs (usually using a singe 45W) so energy consuption isn't that much of an issue as well.


Well-Known Member
I usually go 24\0 with CFLs as it promotes faster growth and doesn't requier a timer.
When I use big lights for veg. I go 18\6 when the dark cicle is at the hottest time of the day. It saves energy and helps maintaining uniform temperature over the day.
CFLs doesn't give out enough heat for me to be concerned about it that much and I rarely go over 100W with CFLs (usually using a singe 45W) so energy consuption isn't that much of an issue as well.

yes 24-0 DOES promote rapid growth, and no timer needed....but u r deffinatly NOT getin the root system u want. 24-0 is good with fresh trimmed clones or seedlings til the cotyledons show, but to get good strong roots, witch ur plant DEFFINATLY needs. u need a dark period, cuz thats wen the roots do most of there buildin. plus on 24-0, u need to be useing a 20-20-20 nutes mix.

Night Claptoman

Well-Known Member
i'm running them for long veg, and am limited on space. I try to get less roots and more plant.
Also, my roots are building up pretty nicely. I use a high N (bioBizz Bio Grow) at 2ml\l and 5ml\l of GHE total grow one part for the coco plants, which is high N as well, and no deficiencies are showing.

Thats my experience.


Hey guys thanks for the comments ... So for the light cycle I think I will go 18/6 now that the second set of leaves are starting to show ... will post pics in my day 8 post later today ... so that means I will have to get another timer ... no biggie ... also I will add more nutes to the system ... I got some grow nutes from the hydro store ... may have to re-invest from reading post ... but I will start with what I have...

As for cost of the set up ... it wasn't that expensive ... could be cheaper for a better planned setup ... and depending on how much stuff you already have

30gal rubbemaid tote from wally-world $8 (get the 15gal for $4.97 cheaper plus it will save you problems)
water pump from hydro store(only place i could find one at this time of year) $9.98 (also get the 180gph any bigger will pump too much water as is my problem)
spent about $40 on CFLs should be cheaper with a better light setup
also I bought 6 clamp lights for about $7 each (so about $80 total on my light setup ... but could be cheaper if i would have planned it better ... but I grow and learn)
about $28 on on tubing (for the water pump)
about $20 on air pump and air stones
$5 for net baskets (10@ $0.50 each)
$36 for a grow and flower nute package

Very simple easy to setup ... plan it all out first ... setup the whole system before you germ you seeds(if you're starting with seed) make sure you have enough power strips...


O.K. looks like the second set of real leaves are out still small though ... so I add about 10 tsp of grow nutes to the system ... The temp in the tent stays in the 76 - 78 degree F range, the humidity was at 33% just a second ago ... so I added a bucket of water to the tent to try and get it a little higher. I did notice that on two of the plants the first set of leaves have begin to curl down ... you may be able to see in the pics ... the don't seem to be drooping but instead curling ... not sure what to make of it but I will watch closely ...

Day 8 Nov. 29, 2009:leaf:



Well-Known Member
its way too early fer nutes yet....i would think. mayb different with hydro, but soil u wait 2-3 weeks


Yeah that was my concern also but after reading a few post and also reading Roseman's Bubbleponics tute I decided to go with a small amount of nutes ... I think since its a hydro system it should be o.k. ... but I will def. keep you posted good or bad!! (hopes its good tho)


Nothing new today ... but I just started the 18/6 light cycle. Its dark in there now ... lights should come back one around 12am I will check and take pics if anything interesting has happen.

Day 9 Nov. 30, 2009 :leaf:


O.K. Here are my day ten pics ... I'm pleased at the way things are going ... the second set of real leaves are looking good ... the timer works great with the lights ... I'll check it again tonight ...

Day 10 Dec. 1, 2009:leaf:



Well-Known Member
i need bubbleponics!!! it's crazy seeing how much faster your plants are growing than mine.. in 2 days your plants will probably be further along then mine! looking good


First I want to say thanks for checking out my jorny!!:hump:

Now it's day 13 of the grow ... and I think they get bigger every morning when I check them.

Everything is going well so check out the pics

Day 13 Dec 4, 2009:leaf:



Well-Known Member
Looking Good! I'm excited to see where your plants are at in a couple days compared to mine.. they're pretty much right where my bigger seedling is..

