1st Grow 1st SCROG pics!


Well-Known Member
would it be possible to do a vertical scrog?
instead of the traditional horizontal.
id think youd be able to train the stems upwards to increase yield by stretchin your plants up the screen


Well-Known Member
would it be possible to do a vertical scrog?
instead of the traditional horizontal.
id think youd be able to train the stems upwards to increase yield by stretchin your plants up the screen
Google "v-scrog" or "vertical scrog". Your mind, she will be blown. Box ScrOGs are the shiznit.


Well-Known Member
Sorry about this; I was gonna add rep to you, but I can't remember how. They should really simplify that for simps such as my self.

Anyway, I was looking for a consensus on this because I've been recommended every where from half a square foot per plant to 3 square feet. You seem trustable, though, so I feel good about 1 sq. ft..

adding rep is easy.. see the
icon on the top right of each post? click that on the post u want to give reputation for


Well-Known Member
Sorry about this; I was gonna add rep to you, but I can't remember how. They should really simplify that for simps such as my self.

Anyway, I was looking for a consensus on this because I've been recommended every where from half a square foot per plant to 3 square feet. You seem trustable, though, so I feel good about 1 sq. ft..
Thanks...Very much appreciated. I would give your self as much room as 2 sq feet per plant. But you can do 1 sq ft. It really depends on the type of plant, variety, size of lights etc..I have 2 plants on 8 sq. ft. 2'x4' screen. And its gettin' crowded in some areas. I'm still hoping that my other plant is female. I have 1 confirmed, the other I think is female as well. anyways, good luck to your scroggin'..


Well-Known Member
These are the new pics...been flowering for 48 hours now, 1 clone has been flowering for 9 days.Still weaving and trimming.Bud Sites every where.



Well-Known Member
its so funny that people make such a fuss over no need for a SCROG forum but for some reason I just read your entire thread again for the 3rd time, adn I know I have read billybobs at least 2x.........if the truth was known I will probably read your thread again its so well documented and with so much positivity!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Well, I have killed the other plant in my screen. It was a male...Sucks! But I had to get it out b4 it pollinates my lady. Thanks god I cloned or I would only have 1 freakin' plant. So I had 3 males outta the 4 main plants, Just my luck. So, I know everything is female now. I'm putting the clone in the screen now. It wont fill it out but I'm still gonna scrog it. Next grow gonna use Fem seeds. This was a great learning experience so far...I'll update the pics when I see more flowering and bud development...


Well-Known Member
Well, I have killed the other plant in my screen. It was a male...Sucks! But I had to get it out b4 it pollinates my lady. Thanks god I cloned or I would only have 1 freakin' plant. So I had 3 males outta the 4 main plants, Just my luck. So, I know everything is female now. I'm putting the clone in the screen now. It wont fill it out but I'm still gonna scrog it. Next grow gonna use Fem seeds. This was a great learning experience so far...I'll update the pics when I see more flowering and bud development...
I mentioned this in my journal but I wanted to tell you again I really think that you should take that female clone that you stuck back under the screen and make her a momma for a little while....your not going to get that much out of her under the screen but the clones she could give you could have you ready to flower when the current screen is harvesting...a little rotation if you will....please go get that clone and make her a momma I think you will thank me later!!!


Well-Known Member
I would if I could but This is a 1 time grow @ this location so I have no need for a mother plant.This is an attic setup as well and summer months will arrive soon so it will be way too hot up there to even try to grow. My next location grow will be better and more planned.Thanks for the idea though.


Well-Known Member
Oh I see.....well I am very very excited about your next grow...let me know I have a million ideas so please let me know when you start plannin!!


Well-Known Member
Oh I see.....well I am very very excited about your next grow...let me know I have a million ideas so please let me know when you start plannin!!
Grow your own, Sensa.
LOL just kiddin:blsmoke: love ya buddy
My homie just gave me 200 bag seeds, since I'm planning this outdoor op. this spring. Can't wait til 2-4 weekend!! Then the guerrilla fun begins.
Besides that, I've been wanting to do a V-ScrOG with trash cans. I saw a plan for some and it seems like the perfect medium, some soil or whatever at the bottom screens all along the sides and lights suspended along the center. Incase location is ever a problem, there's a good thought for your next grow:D


Well-Known Member
I will..heres some pics the 1st 3rd and 4th are the oldest clone. the 2nd pic is the main female and the only female outta 7 or 8 plants...I can't remember. Anyways they are flowering nice so far...
Its really awesome that despite the problem you have had with males that your screen looks great!!!!Your going to have a yummy little nug screen soon....yea for you!!!!!


Well-Known Member
OK guys here are the updates...2-3 weeks flowering. Lookin' good so far. Smellin' great. Feeding with Fox Farm Tiger and Big Bloom also a little bit of L.K. Check out my grow room from the outside...Attic grow..Can you tell????

