1st Grow, 3 weeks in plants, and some babies on HPS. Seeking advice and opinions

Kush Machine7

Active Member
Hi, I have 5 plants 3 weeks old and 4 that are a few days, SEX UNKNOWN.. wish me luck. I use a 400W HPS light, planning on using it the whole cycle. I have a little Flo in there too. Im using a 4x4x6.5ft Tent and Fox Farm soils and nutrients (Grow big and Tiger bloom). I use tap water at 9PH and 250PPMS, I put a capfull of Grow Big for now and it takes it to 6.8PH and 500PPMs for 1 gallon so its all good IMO. I would like some comments though and suggestions. I keep my light 19" away from the top of the plants at the moment and 2ft from the babies. 18/6 light and 12/12 for when they get to a Ft. high. I water them every 3-5 days depending on if the soil is moist 2 inches down or not. i have 4 gallon pots for now. I spray with purified water during lights on every once in a while. Thinking of topping a couple to see what happens but not sure yet. Il post some pics on the reply so you guys can see for yourselves. Happy growing and smoking :bigjoint:bongsmilie


Active Member
prob a lil early if youve been using nutes already. are you letting the tap water sit 24 hrs before using it? and i may be mistaken, but should you be using bloom nutes if your vegging!? i may be wrong. and it doesnt matter if they are a foot tall, depends on how big you want your plants to be, personally ide wait, but if you have a small room, then thats up to you, theyre gonna double in size once you start to flower. make sure when the lights are off for the 12, that absolutly NO light gets in unless you want a hermi. make sure ph is around 6.2, i wouldnt suggest higher.

Kush Machine7

Active Member
Yea thanks, I let the water sit for a few days, and i didnt use nutes for the first 2 weeks but i may hold off a bit.. thanks for the advice.


Active Member
With an 18/6 light schedule and 3 week old plants I don't think u should be using bloom nutes. Tiger bloom does have some nitrogen in it but not nearly enough for veg. Its a little late now but in the future you should start em out with at least 2 weeks of veg nutes before switching to bloom.


Well-Known Member
I use Ocean Forest soil and veg my cuttings for two months in two gallon pots.
I feed 1t Grow Big one time in those two months.
Only after at least a month and a half of veg do I feed any nutrients.
I also top a few times during the veg. I top because of limited space to flower in (42"x24"x60")
My plants go into flower at between 15-18" tall and at least that wide.
I Flower under 400w. Typically between four and eight plants, depending on pot size.
Four is the max i'll flower in two gallon pots, eight in one gallon pots.
I prefer two gallon perfect pots as they suit my grow style, space, and equipment best.
Here are a few shots of one of the four i'm flowering that I took out to trim up today.
One picture of the plant just after taking cuttings and right before starting 12/12.
This plant will be two weeks female (21 days under 12/12) on Saturday Aug. 13th.
Happy growing


Well-Known Member
Things are looking good.
I like that little thermometer, is that from a grow store or a common item?
Your plants look happy, like a big happy family lol

I took my plants out of the flower room yesterday to check them over
real good for mites.
While I had them out of the room, and out from under the hps, I decided to snap a few pics of how my plants are arranged in the flower room from a few different angles.
I guess you could call it sort of a sea of green, although with only four plants it's
closer to a lake of green, and more accurately a pond of green.
Good Job, keep it growing.

Kush Machine7

Active Member
Pro lookn set up and thanks. id say you have a great looking lake there! ^^ And as for the Thermo. Its just like a cheap dollar one from wal mart I have a better one in there but that works great for just right there on the plant lvl


Active Member
Hey just noticed u said u were using tap at 9 pH. Are u measuring runoff ph? FF soils generally are more acidic.. so watering with a high pH is fine but u should ensure runoff pH is 7.0-6.0, preferably 6.3-6.8 for soil. I use distilled and hydrated lime (adds cal-mag too, also low in FF soils but not so much in Ocean Forest).

Kush Machine7

Active Member
Ya tap is about 9 then i PH it to 6.5 when i water... I do not have a soil ph tester i need to get one but ya i use ocean forest but ii just hope im ok on it:P thanks though and you think il be ok watering them with 6.5PHed water around 500-600PPMs
I have Purified water i use sometimes too and PH it and spray with just purfied water

Kush Machine7

Active Member
Just got a 6" inline duct fan for my heat blowing out the top of my tent.. its 250CFM from home depot and have another regualr little fan also fitted in and blowing air out. you think its enough air out? 400w hps and 4x4x6.5ft. And just starting day one of flowering. pics maybe coming depending on if anyone cares or not lol

Kush Machine7

Active Member
Help! My leaves are curling a few hours after my water(downward) and i used molasis/tiger bloom water at 6.3ph and then i checked the lil bit at the bottom after the water and it was 5.9.. so idk i also brought my ppms to 950 in week 2 of flowering. what should i do??