1st Grow,4 Auto Blue Mystics, Soil, FF nutes, 250 HPS, Walk In Closet


Active Member
good, seems things are gettin better(not like they were bad). dont know, i can only show u a photo i have of my mg def View attachment 2438587, yours looks different. no photo of what i would say was a P or K def tho, dark yellow/orange spots between veins and leaf edge. now that i remember, my friend had that spots too not long ago. fixed with just a normal bloom fert. anyway, guess your fert will fix it anyway, it had all u need. cheers
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I was really having trouble pin pointing what deficiency I had/have, because I appeared to be showing symptoms for multiple deficiencies. But I guess this would make sense if I wasn't using enough nutes. :-) Here is some pics of how there doing now Link12121036.jpgLink12121036_1.jpg Hear is a before and after of the same leaf with the orange spots in the beginning

Lastly, can youguys tell which one is the runt? :lol: Link12121038.jpg


Active Member
Day 48.
Link12171250.jpgLink12171251.jpgLink12171251_1.jpgLink12171251_2.jpgLink12171251_3.jpg well Im kinda at a loss. Just when i thought things were looking a little better The yellowing/ orange spots are still getting worse. I think its eather a N or a PK def (i sprayed them with epsom salt and it didnt do a thing so it def not mag def). At this point I'm not gonna worry about it anymore, and I'm just gonna try holding on to what I have. Overall there still doing pretty good, no life threatening issues. I just watered them with higher nutes concentrations yesterday so if they look a little droopy thats why (hopefully they dont get nute burn). 2 of the plants are very frosty, while the other two plants are just starting to frost. On pic 4, the plant is being kinda weird. the leaves on top are looking terrable, but the bud/cola on her looks amazing (and still growing). Maybe this is something that normally happens? Btw, no signs of blue have come in, BUT only on the runt there are some faint blueish hues on the leaves. Keep your fingers crossed, things are getting interesting now!


Got me a blue mystic at the moment with a few other auto strains. The BM types out to be a hermie which only grew three nananas which were taken off at first sight, of course. Now this little girls into her forth week of veg, showing some pre-flowers and smelling rather nice ^^ good luck with your grow!


Active Member
Got me a blue mystic at the moment with a few other auto strains. The BM types out to be a hermie which only grew three nananas which were taken off at first sight, of course. Now this little girls into her forth week of veg, showing some pre-flowers and smelling rather nice ^^ good luck with your grow!
Thanks for stopping by profcornish and thanks. Good luck on your grow aswell! Cant wait till harvest!

Doc Tor

Can I suggest you add some Mylar to your grow area... Plants look pretty good. Just make sure it doesn't get too hot in that closet.


Active Member
Can I suggest you add some Mylar to your grow area... Plants look pretty good. Just make sure it doesn't get too hot in that closet.
Thanks for stopping in Doc Tor and thanks. Yea Mylar def wouldn't hurt. At some point I would like to invest a a small tent to keep smell and light better managed (not to mention one with mylar lining lol). Temp wise, I've never seen it get above 86 degrees in there, with the door shut 24hrs.

Doc Tor

I know lots of folks use tents, I personally don't. I have a very simple set up using Mylar covered boards and a box fan. I never worry about my temps. I once grew in a walk in closet and it got so hot in there it was ridiculous. Also the smell isn't that bad.. However I have been growing the same strain as my main crop,with just one or two randoms here and there, for a few years now.

I had ordered some seeds way back when I first started growing, and got Barney's Farm Flower Power auto as a freebe and it Hermes and pollinated some paki ryder. Long story short I ended with about 600 seeds. All autos. All female.

I currently have 9 of those plants going along with a critical auto and a green o matic I had laying around. The power/paki will be done this week along with the green o matic. The critical is still a ways out.


Active Member
I had ordered some seeds way back when I first started growing, and got Barney's Farm Flower Power auto as a freebe and it Hermes and pollinated some paki ryder. Long story short I ended with about 600 seeds. All autos. All female..
Thats osm. Seeds are so expensive!


Active Member
great grow mang,
really interesting to read this whole thread, i am looking at 250w hps also for small indoor grow, cant wait to see what you yield



Active Member
Just got back from vacation. Its now the end of day 59 and this is what i came home to... Are they leaving any signs of blue? ill let you guys be the judge.

20121228_172451 - Copy.jpg20121228_172451 - Copy.jpg20121228_172451 - Copy.jpg20121228_172509.jpg20121228_172527.jpg20121228_173946.jpg20121228_173953.jpg 20121228_174018.jpg

I think the flash caused the super blue pic.
Under the microscope again.

1.jpg Talk about blueish hues. After this picture i somehow broke the connector on my microscope. (piece of shit form china) judging by what glimpses i was able to see the trics didnt look cloudy but i was only able to view them for a brief moment before i broke it.

That all being said I have a question of doc tor now. Since you've been growing blue mystics for a while now, what would you say is the average chop day for you? That is if you were growing the auto blue mystic and not the regular obviously :lol:.


Active Member
great grow mang,
really interesting to read this whole thread, I aim looking at 250w hps also for small indoor grow, cant wait to see what you yield

Thank you ZedsDedBaby, I aim to please :bigjoint: I'll be taking pictures of each lady before harvest, a pic of the dried bud from each lady and the yield of each lady individually. I cant wait!


Active Member
just wanted to share little trick i learned for drying bud quickly. Take your fresh off the plant bud, grind it up, and put the grindings ontop of a 250hps for roughly 1-2 hours. If you hood looks like this, its def worth a try! Just for reference, I can keep my hand on it the hood for as long as a want and never get burned or even uncomfortably hot, just a nice hand warmer :-).

And just for all you bud porn lovers out there (ASmallVoice lol) here is one of the same pics posted yesterday, just in better resolution (im working on how to post higher res pics, just got a new camera)


Well-Known Member
Plants look good! Thanks for the detailed thread on auto blue mystic it's sure to help future blue mystic growers like ME!! LOL.


Active Member
Hey everyone, I want to apologize for taking this long to update you guys. Thank you for your patience. I will post the yields per plant monday with pics, and a smoke report to go with it. ;)

Stay lifted my friends.


Active Member
So I karma has totally come back to bit me for taking so long to reply with my yields. I broke my bong 10 min ago. I will get with the yeild updated tommorow with pic and a smoke report, and to just make things xtra special I'll even show you pics of my 1 week old broken baby named e Hugh.. again sorry for the terribly long updates and thank you everyone for your tips tricks and complements. Stay lifted!


Active Member
Thanks bigrake. I bought a grow tent and some pk for my next grow so I can try and rule out what my yellowing was exacly, I've read auto blue mystic are pk thirsty. And yes im growing auto blue mystic again. I want to feel like I've atleast mastered one strain before I move on to another lol. Just smoked some purple punch for the first time tonight. Prolly my new favorite strain now! It's that good.