1st grow, 400whps White Rhino


Active Member
Alright all,
started my 1st grow 5days ago.
4 sprouted after about 50/55 hours. One hasnt.
need to kno wen to put em into there larger pots/ advice on good nutes.
daytime temps 25-29c varies, night 19/20c.humidity only 30% during they day tho???
any suggestions welcome
right here's a pic 5days old.
Too small???strecthing???? any input would be appreciatedphpsbyc2IAM.jpg
How far are you putting your 400w hps above the plants? They only stretch if they don't have enough light. Are you going to grow them under 400W HPS till harvest? Or under CFL for vegetation and then HPS?
Can't help ya on soil nutes/food. They're looking ok, give them a few more days and then put them into their final pot. The quicker and less you transplant the better.
using the 400 hps thru out the entire grow,i was given the ballast so that kinda limited me to what light i could use. its about 12/14 inches above no more. thinkin of goin with at least 10litre pots wen the time is right.
i thought they were a lil small for nearly a week but this is my 1st go so......
Looking great. What kind of potting soil are you using. Don't feed them for awhile. Don't over water them either. and something like a 20 liter container will grow bigger plants and you won't have to water as much early on.
Some stuff call westland ericasious compost has a ph of 6, thats why i picked it and it was pretty cheap, the space is only 5.5feet high x3wide x1.5 deep. think 10L pots will be as big as i can fit,
dont think all 4 will b able to be kept inside,dunno how bushy WR gets like???
want to try keep at leat 3 of em in ther.
i have a filter jug for my water keeps it below 6.5
yeah i hav an extractor going and a 7" desk fan but it still gets a bit too high for my like with the door closed.
like uo to 35c/9?f.the only problem i hav with the door being ajar is it keeps the humidity low,like 30%.
will this b a big problem durin veg, i no its good for flowering.
The low humidity is fine for them. Looking at the picture, I'd be concerned about your fan blowing directly on them like it looks to be doing. I'd make sure it's oscillating and blowing air around the space enough for the leaves to move a bit as it goes by. If you blow to much air over them they will burn and have a hard time. Otherwise it looks good.
sound man, back on spin for mr fan, its only a crap lil thing like argos.ie value range ftw
I've been growing WR for over a year now and ya they are pretty bushy plants but also short. They are very hardy though and hard to mess up. Good smoke. I have read a lot about people saying to go light on nutes with WR but I have always gone real heavy with nutes and they have done great. Sounds like the height and width of your space are ok but the depth has me worried. 1.5 feet? thats not that much. I guess i depends how stealthy your trying to make your grow. I started growing in a small closet like that but I felt very restricted now I just use a whole room.
its 2ft deep sorry i got mixed up,stealth is no prob, sure i leave the door open most of the time,from ur exp how do you reckon mine are doing at 7days,thanks
I think it looks fine so far. I use DWC now but I started with soil. Make sure to not over water. You can tell when you are because the leaves will droop. Just keep it up bro. And I would also lay off the fan a bit until they get bigger.