1st Grow 425w of CFL!!! (Actual Wattage)


Well-Known Member
6/8 Update

Older plants are now 25 days old and during the week I had been kind of disappointed by their progress but after comparing them to last updates pic's, I feel better.

They are filling in quite nice but are still rather short. The shorter of the two is sprouting 2ndary side foliage like crazy but its stature is mitigating it's own light coverage. I have been considering topping them but this short one grows nodes so close together that I cannot get a clean cut in. Not to mention if the side growth is already out of control, how bad would it get right after topping? The taller of the other two I could top easily but I fear messing up and damaging the plant. If these plants are already so compact should I even really top them?

The taller plants first single leaves (not cotyledons, they fell off while back) have died off. Is this normal? Should I be concerned? I have pictures attached lower in post.

Besides those things I am pleased. I am wondering if I should start considering switching to flower. I would rather they were alittle taller and well rounded though.

Heres the pics.

The Shorter plant

The Taller Plant

The Youngin


Active Member
i've never see plants grow so short like that, thats amazing, i wouldnt top those short ones untill they get a foot tall, as far as the other ones go, ive topped my plants and it didnt even phase them, they mightve stressed a little but were fine, just cut a quarter inch above the node you want to keep.


Well-Known Member
i've never see plants grow so short like that, thats amazing, i wouldnt top those short ones untill they get a foot tall, as far as the other ones go, ive topped my plants and it didnt even phase them, they mightve stressed a little but were fine, just cut a quarter inch above the node you want to keep.
thats how marijuana looks when its not streched.....


Well-Known Member
that is how they are suppose to look:) gw man i would wait a couple more weeks to flower. i wish i waited long it is worth it, gw keepem tight like that they gonna produce some nice buds....Business major is the way to go:)


Active Member
thats how marijuana looks when its not streched.....
ive seen thousands of pictures a mj and plenty wich had adaquate and even more than adaquate lighting and never saw one that was that bushy and short, there is almost no node spacing at all, even mj that grows in direct sunlight doesn't do that. Its gotta be the strain, for christ sakes he's using cfl's, if a plant is gonna stretch, is most likely to do it under a cfl.


Well-Known Member
3 Plants and I cannot do HID because of heat. Not only heat of lamp but heat of where I live. I expect 110+ weather next 4 months.
I am looking at the same problem man. It is shaping up to be a hotter than hell summer here too. Looks like I am going to have to spend the bucks for a small window AC for the room. What the hell, my babies are worth it.


Well-Known Member
Just added c02 via the Yeast + Sugar + Water method today. Am using a 2 liter bottle + rubber tubing for applicator. Hopefully I will see positive results from this.


Well-Known Member
So it seems the dying off of the 1st leaves (not cotyledons) was not just part of the life cycle. I checked on my plants today and the taller plant (same one as previously mentioned) 1st set of fan leaves have turned light green and look as if they will die soon. I did some reading before I posted and believe this is most likely a Nitrogen defieciency and am treating it as such. Any Objections!? Plant is about 28 days old.

I also just noticed that the youngin is showing similar systems. The short bushy plant seems to be unaffected.

Here are the pictures of the taller plant.



Well-Known Member

Well good news and bad news.

Good news is the blight of taller plant does not seem to have got any worse since last post.

Bad news is that a big old 105w fell on my youngin and scorched it. I dont know if I should let it be, trim dead leaves and leave it or give up on it. It was burned pretty bad =/

Besides that all seems to be well. I removed the burnt plant for now and put it in separate grow area and reconfigured lights for better coverage. I am pleased so far just as long no more lights fall on my plants. I reconfigured lights because I was having problems with plants growing into light and burning. Even larger plants have very minor small burns from this problem on 1 or 2 leaves.

I plan on flowering in about 2 weeks. Plants are exactly 30 days old today. I expected them to be taller but in exchange for height I have gained bushiness far beyond expectations. I look at this as a desirable trait but I raised the overhead 125w light about 1.5 in. to encourage vertical growth. I know that in order to best utilize my light power, I am going to need plants aprox. 3-5 in taller minimum.

I hear that plants often show some of their most vigorous growth shortly after switching from veg to flower. Does anyone have a guesstimate on how much growth I should expect when I do make the switch? I understand that every grow is different and that knowing the strain is critical with this type of thing but should I be anticipating 50% growth? 100%? 200%!!!? Thats all im looking for here.

The pictures!

Pic for both plants & New light setup (over head is raised for pic purposes)

Taller Plant, you can see in in pic #4 the yellowing leaf. Leaf just opposite of it has same problem. In pic #4 you can see that the leaf directly above the dying set it turning a light green. I am concerned but keeping a eye on it.

The short plant. You can clearly see in 1 or 2 pics the leaves that were burned (or atleast i think it was light burn).

The Youngin....poor thing. What should I do? Clip dead leaves? Let it be? Kill it?


Well-Known Member
My plant has been showing symptoms of something for about a week now and is very slowly getting worse. Plant seems to be growing fine but the leaves are getting little rust patches here and there. I have done some reading and think it may be..

Heat Stress (Unfortunately Temps can get to mid 90's at time with AC!! Damn Desert!)
Nute Burn (Using Earth Juice Grow 1/2 strength & Blackstrap Molasses)
Phosphorus Deficiency

I was using this guide (VERY GOOD) http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.p...8&page=1&pp=15

Here are Pics

I also have another plant with a completely different symptom all together. This one almost looks like a nitrogen deficiency but both plant have received same light, nutes, temps and watering schedule. How can one have burn symptoms and another have deficiency symptoms!?!?!?



Active Member
definitely looks like heat stress to me, I've had the same problem with my current grow. you could try taking three or four two liter pop bottles fill with water and put them in your fridge. then just rotate them, putting one in your grow room every day or when needed. if there solid ice it will keep the room a little cooler for a few hours. i'm assuming you have done all you can with ventilation, considering the heat where you live. good luck.