1st grow and its almost time !!


Small closet grow, First round . 1 plant, 5ft tall.

1000 watt liquid lumens w/a nextgen ballest. Sun argo bulb.

In O.F. Dirt. All Fox farm nutes plus Cal-mag , super thrive b-1.

Sour D
Week 3 of flower

Week 6 of flower

week 8 of flower..time for flush + clerex

HAHAHA Bud flop like crazy

I broke a top putting this monster back in the closet after her flush ..nice sampler i guess

and i know the cardboard is getto ....I was in a hurry to get this bitch on 12/12 due to 4 extra weeks in veg waitting for the water cooled goodness :fire:


1/4 hp chiller and 50 gal res.

Veg room. 400 Mh ...Super lemon haze, planewreck <trainwreck x bubblegum>, Grape skunk, Affgooey, maui

Nextgen 1000w



Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck..... its hard waitting to cut this bitch down !!!!!

surprized i didnt get any hater L.L. remarks lol


Hey, if your gonna do it, its worth doing right. :)
Very nice set-up.

Thanks!! I started off with a 400w core and hydrofarm A/C daystar... But the heat from both the 400m/h in my veg room next door and the 400w hps was killing me :wall:.
I tried different fan set-ups nothing worked to my liking . Never buy a reflector w/a built in core ballast ...way to hot .

Now i have my room sealed back up along with the veg. room and my 2 Ex. fans running at its lowest setting on a variable speed switch .