1st grow, bag seed, closet.


Active Member
Im watching this.

Im as well starting off with some bagseeds I have like 10 maybe a bit more. My plan is to get them big enough to get atleast a qp or a half so i can expand my grow room


Im watching this.

Im as well starting off with some bagseeds I have like 10 maybe a bit more. My plan is to get them big enough to get atleast a qp or a half so i can expand my grow room
watch away! that's why it's here.
Being my first grow and being new to the site I'm more using this one to test the waters and b.s. alittle. So watch on and maybe you'll learn something from my mistakes/methods/tactics.

After squeach is done my next journal will me much more "proper" so to speak. Seperate discussion thread, more detailed day to day actions, ect...


and Iron, yeah it's definitely coming soon. thanks for keeping up.


Active Member
watch away! that's why it's here.
Being my first grow and being new to the site I'm more using this one to test the waters and b.s. alittle. So watch on and maybe you'll learn something from my mistakes/methods/tactics.

After squeach is done my next journal will me much more "proper" so to speak. Seperate discussion thread, more detailed day to day actions, ect...


and Iron, yeah it's definitely coming soon. thanks for keeping up.
Indeed. Im going to be waiting till i get my grow box and hps light to start tho. I have a big plan for my girls


Active Member
hell yeah bro thts what the first grow is about experimenting when u do start to flower what nutes u using i hear u shud use molasses i did but i cant compare it to anything else cuz im just about done my first lady this new batch i have coming along ill try using it on 2 and not using it on 2 to see the diff.... and those new seedlings i showed u one of em turned out to be a dude so i tossed his ass but hopefully the other 4 r grls no signs of sex so maybe they will pull thru


hell yeah bro thts what the first grow is about experimenting when u do start to flower what nutes u using i hear u shud use molasses i did but i cant compare it to anything else cuz im just about done my first lady this new batch i have coming along ill try using it on 2 and not using it on 2 to see the diff.... and those new seedlings i showed u one of em turned out to be a dude so i tossed his ass but hopefully the other 4 r grls no signs of sex so maybe they will pull thru
gonna be using the same generic powdered hydro nutes I've been using only in a 15-30-15 formula instead of the 20-20-20 i'm using now. good luck on the fems.


Active Member
yo bro check out this dudes grow shit turned out sick .... looking at shit like this make me soo anxious and wished i h a time machine to super grow


Active Member
damn she has gotten so big and looks so healthy keep that shit up if sex isnt shown yet with in 14days of 12/12 they will again nice shit man


Active Member
still looks beautiful brotha and hey just as a tip i was told u dont start counting dayz of flower until u see the pistons everywhere i was always under the impression u start from day u flip ur cycle to12.12 but i've seen alot of ppl post on their jurnals saying ex. day2012/12 day6 flower just to help u out so later dwn the road u dont harvest early thinkin its older yammmsayyin

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
still looks beautiful brotha and hey just as a tip i was told u dont start counting dayz of flower until u see the pistons everywhere i was always under the impression u start from day u flip ur cycle to12.12 but i've seen alot of ppl post on their jurnals saying ex. day2012/12 day6 flower just to help u out so later dwn the road u dont harvest early thinkin its older yammmsayyin
you start counting from flip day from the first day of 12/12 not the first day you notice hairs- trust me
but i've seen alot of ppl post on their jurnals saying ex. day2012/12 day6 flower
this means 14 day veg + 6 day flower = 20 day all together
i think you have missread them or the r posting it wrong. the industry standered is to count from day of flipping light and any weight given is dry weight, noone cares about your wet weight but some where some body started posting wet weight and then everyone else started doing it :wall:
hope this helps


thanks for the posts all, either way I've been doing everything on looks instead of age (for the most part). so I should be good.