1st grow bagseed... just one

what setup have u had her in? any fans?
yup ive got one 8" room circulation fan, not to sure of the cfm but it MOVES that air quick, um basically shes been in a corner of my closet, with some cardboard boxes setup around her with some tinfoil on the back for light reflection, dimensions probly 2.5' - 2'- 3'.


Well-Known Member
no input or output though? damn im surprised it didt get too hot in there!
just askin cus im startin a grow now and i wanna make sure i dont get any mold or anything, i live in florida so it gets pretty humid at times
no input or output though? damn im surprised it didt get too hot in there!
just askin cus im startin a grow now and i wanna make sure i dont get any mold or anything, i live in florida so it gets pretty humid at times
haha ya I imagine it would get real hot and humid, so im sure you would need to have more air flow then me, i live in a basement suite and its been cold up here, like average -17 C not too sure what fahrenheit that is, but its pretty chilly , it was -40 for a week witch is the same for both, thats fucking cold. so my main worry was that my closet was too cold, its on a outside facing wall in a basement so it got cold at night. But even still i did have some heat issues, i let my lights get too close for a day or too and it baked some of the leaves.

It would all depend on what size room, box, closet that your growing in, but one thing i noticed in my grow was that you need MORE air flow than you think you need.

but ya my little tree is almost ready, the buds look done, all the white hairs are red and receded in, she is looking fat and ripe, gunna give her till sunday.


hy, the plant looks great, im at 3 weeks of closet grow with 3 25w 6500k, i was wondering if you maybe had a pic of the plant at 3 weeks so i could compare it with mine?
Great job!
hy, the plant looks great, im at 3 weeks of closet grow with 3 25w 6500k, i was wondering if you maybe had a pic of the plant at 3 weeks so i could compare it with mine?
Great job!
hey sorry dude i actually dont have pics of 3 weeks, but if i remember correctly she was like 6.5" tall.... about? sorry

anyway harvest is done, buds are drying up right now, total wet weight was 72 grams, not as heavy as i thought but whatever... the main stem was 50g alone haha.... heres some pics, the muffins are made from all the trim... and they were good!!



Very very nice, congrats on ur first successfull harvest :D
np bouth the pics, thx for info, keep up the good work!
well thank you everybody who helped out, she gave me 17gr dried, excellent smoke, good energetic stone, with a nice light citrus flavour, almost lemony, very happy with the outcome....

well ill be starting a new grow soon, just gotta finish up my new grow box, and my seeds should be here withing the next couple of days, so keep an eye out for me

thanks again.... peace, love and happy gardning


Well-Known Member
nice!! definitely enjoyed the grow trueNorth, but happy to see it end nonetheless - i thought you'd be gettin a bit more but hey, its a solid half-o to chill on - and a good one at that, from the looks of it!