1st Grow-Barney's Farm LSD - Soil - 200W Diamond Series LED + 75W Magnetic Induction


Active Member
you are doing very well they have exploded!! lst has worked wonders, i have recently LST'd yesterday hopefully they will bush out like yours


Well-Known Member
looking good man... i just gave my LSD the chop and its awesome. had a bit of sampling and its great and smells and tastes even better!! ill post pics of the dried product in a few days.


Active Member
Hey Everyone,

it's day 23 of veg, and they keep growing at a crazy rate :) i keep tying them down whenever they start growing upwards again, which is making them very short and bushy.

so it was getting nearly impossible to water them without getting nutes all over the leaves, and even then, watering has to be done very slowly when using AirPots, or the water just starts coming out of the upper holes.

so i put together a simple home-made irrigation system using only:
1 x 30L water container (blue plastic barrel)
1 x simple "Jebo AP2000" water pump
2 x "Octopus" drippers
a hose and some plastic connectors and fittings.
130_spin4G.jpg<---- this is the octopus dripper

i put the water pump in the barrel and made a hole on the cover for the hose and power cable.
photo 1 (2).jpgphoto 2 (3).jpg
the other side of the hose went into the tent trough the 2nd ventilation hole, and the octopus drippers are fitted to the hose, and the arms are suppose to go in the soil.
now the coolest thing is, the octopus plastic arms fit perfectly into the holes of the AirPots. so i put 2 arm in each plant, one through one of the top holes, and 1 through on of the bottom holes.
photo 1.jpgphoto 2.jpgphoto 3.jpg

put it to the test today, and it works perfectly. just mixed in the nutrients, plugged it in, and an hour later, they were saturated with water. no mess whatsoever, tent is clean, and most important, no nutes on the plants.

i guess i could even put it on a timer, and automate feeding, but i rather make sure the soil in completely dry before feeding again.

here are the latest pics:

photo 2 (1).jpgphoto 3 (1).jpgphoto 4.jpgphoto 1 (1).jpgphoto 2 (2).jpgphoto 3 (2).jpg

whatcha think?

thanks for following...


Active Member
Hey again,

Day 30 of veg, and some issues have started. fits the description of N deficiency, at least to my untrained eye.
the lower leaves on #1 have gone completely yellow, almost white actually, stem and veins are becoming kinda purple, and new growth is not as green as it should be. im not seeing any stunted growth, they actually develop quite fast, but again, i have nothing to compare it to, since this is my first grow.
posted a thread on the plant problem forum, some agree it's N def, someone said could be overwatering, but i doubt that, the pics i posted were taken a couple of hours after feeding, so it may have caused the leaves to seem a little bit cupped downwards, doesnt look like it today.

i dont really get it though, i must be doing SOMETHING wrong, but im kind clueless at the moment. here's some info from yesterday feeding:

10L of water, divided between 5 plant: 2ml/l BioGrow, 2ml/l BioHeaven and 2ml/l Alg-A-Mic. PH: 6.8 PPM: ~800
PH of run off water: 6.7
PPM of run off water: 430

as for the progress, i keep tying them down every couple of days. currently, #3 looks the most vigorous and healthy. each one looks a little bit different actually, you would think that the same genetics, under the same conditions, would develop to be the same, at least that what i thought...

i ordered another 200W Diamond series LED panel, exactly like the one i have. should get here after the weekend (been tracking the package every hour :) it's almost here). so i should have double the power right before i switch to 12/12 in a couple of weeks.

as always, posting some pics..
seriously, ANY suggestions or comments will be greatly appreciated. im running out of ideas here.


photo 4 (2).jpgphoto 3 (5).jpgphoto 2 (6).jpgphoto 1 (5).jpgphoto 3 (6).jpgphoto 2 (7).jpg


Active Member
your plants look very good par the yellowing in my opinion i would say that the leaves are yellowing because of too much nutrients maybe causing a lockout... if you're adding 6 ml total nutrients per every litre that seems like alot and may be why your plants are yellowing. although i may be wrong. i am only feeding 2ml/l of bio grow and they are flourishing still.


Active Member
Hi Everyone,

Day 36 of veg, and the jungle is getting dense.
had some problems at home this week, and my plants were partially neglected for a few days. when i opened the tent i saw lots of yellow, light green and some white here and there. soil was dry as hell, and #5 looked like it was starting to shrink.
fed them yesterday, increasing the nutes a bit as some people in the plant problem forum suggested. so 3ml/l BioGrow, 2ml/l BioHeaven and 2ml/l Alg-A-Mic (a total of 1100PPM). i also added another light, 200W Diamond Series LED, raised both lights a bit as it was starting to get warm again and did another round of tying down new growth.
24 hours later, things are looking better. color is not back completely, but it is starting to look better. hope i dont have to leave them again any time soon, but if i do, ill make sure to set the timer to feed them on time.

i think im gonna drop the scrog idea, and switch to 12/12 in about a week or so.

couple of questions though:
1) i have 5g SmartPots. wondering if i should transplant, or is a 2.5g AirPot big enough?
2) should i untie them before switching to 12/12, or keep them tied down? do i keep tying them down during flowering?
3) should i switch to 12/12 gradually (20/4 - 18/6 - 12/12) or just make the sudden change?
4) considering the fact i am using all biobizz nutes, should i flush before switching to 12/12, or just 2 weeks before harvest?

any suggestions or tips from experienced growers will be great.

attaching some pics :)

photo 2 (8).jpgphoto 3 (7).jpgphoto 4 (3).jpgphoto 1 (9).jpgphoto 2 (10).jpgphoto 3 (9).jpgphoto 4 (4).jpgphoto 1 (8).jpgphoto 2 (9).jpgphoto 3 (8).jpgphoto 1 (7).jpg


Well-Known Member
I tied mine down a little during the first flower stretch to make sure everybody was staying even. I grew all different genetics so it didn't matter in the end.

One on far left RP skywalker og. Only had a couple nodes on it and topped once when it went into flower with the others. She played catch up.



Active Member
I tied mine down a little during the first flower stretch to make sure everybody was staying even. I grew all different genetics so it didn't matter in the end.

One on far left RP skywalker og. Only had a couple nodes on it and topped once when it went into flower with the others. She played catch up.
Thanks D3monic!
So you're saying keep em tied for a bit before releasing them? How long do u think?


Active Member
Hi Everyone,

again, sorry for disappearing for so long. crazy times.

it's been exactly 1 month since my last post, so i got a lot of updates.

#4 is no longer with us. she was never like the others, and i finally gave up on trying to understand what fuck is wrong with her. so in order to make more room for the other before switching to 12/12, i ditched her.

as for the rest of them, they're doing great. i untied them about 2 weeks ago (took awhile, not easy removing those pipe cleaners completely) and transplanted them into 5g SmartPots.
i then gave them about 10 days to recover and get used to their new homes before finally switching to 12/12 on November 13th.

D3monic, i see what you mean about keeping them tied down during the first flowering stretch. i didnt (or couldnt) and they fucking doubled in height in no time. they were vegging for 2 months, so they actually look quite nice standing straight up. kinda like a very special christmas tree.

so it's been 12 days since. feeding now includes 3ml/l BioGrow, 3ml/l BioHeaven, 2ml/l Alg-A-Mic, 2ml/l BioBloom and 1ml/l TopMaxx (which i was told is useless shit, but i use it anyway since i already have it). according to the BioBizz feeding chart.
i also have GroTek Monster Bloom, but i havent started using it yet.

i can already see the first signs of flowers, beautiful white pistils growing from the internodes, and the smell has changed from fresh green generic garden smell to a more distinct cannabis aroma. carbon filter is handling it well for now.

attaching some pics, to show off:



Active Member
Hey Everyone,

again, it's been almost a month since my last post, so here are the latest updates and photos.
it's day 38 of 12/12, and the plants are looking great.... for the most part.
#5 (located on the top left of the tent) is still short, underdeveloped and producing much smaller buds than the others.
#2 (bottom left) has the biggest, densest buds, but her top leaves are yellowing in a strange way, other than that, she's the best looking one.
#1 (top right) and #3 (bottom right) are very green and healthy looking, but appear to be producing airier buds (is that even a word?), and im not sure but i think they smell a bit different than #2, more "lemony".
ill stop making up words now...

so if the world doesnt come to an end tomorrow, ill have something like 25 days to harvest, and i have no idea how much yield to expect.

feeding them 3ml/l BioGrow, 3ml/l BioHeaven, 2-3 ml/l Alg-A-Mic (which im running out of) and 1tbs GroTek MonsterBloom/19l on a feed-water-feed-water cycle every week or so.

would love to hear some comments and suggestions if you have any.
here are some pics :)



Yeah hopefully if the world doesnt end tommaro haha :D damn ill be so bummed it will be ridiculous.
I read up on alot of your grow here, very nice grow and outcome, keep posting and update! love it!
25 days till the weed is smokable or harvesting and drying?


Active Member
Yeah hopefully if the world doesnt end tommaro haha :D damn ill be so bummed it will be ridiculous.
I read up on alot of your grow here, very nice grow and outcome, keep posting and update! love it!
25 days till the weed is smokable or harvesting and drying?
thanks Caliweed :) appreciate it.

~25 days till harvesting and drying. a little longer till it's smokable.


Well-Known Member
Really love this strain, I grew it indoors and when smoked it hit me hard. Your girls plook great! Good luck and I will be keeping an eye on this grow can't wait to see your results.


Active Member
Really love this strain, I grew it indoors and when smoked it hit me hard. Your girls plook great! Good luck and I will be keeping an eye on this grow can't wait to see your results.
thanks puck! i appreciate the comments...

this is my first grow ever.
i read in a couple of places that first grows are sad :) so far, everything has been going quite smoothly. no serious issues, no signs of pests, and in general, all is going well.
so unless i jinxed myself just now, and everything stays ok for another month or so, i might be able to prove them wrong :)

thanks again man.


Active Member
hey everyone,

it's day 66 of 12/12, and i think it's pretty much time to harvest.
i posted a question and some pics in another thread, cause i need advice quick. should i cut, or wait a bit longer?

i flushed for the first time 10 days ago, and again 2 days ago using Canna-Flush, most pistils have turned brown, most trichs seem milky to my inexperienced eye. im pretty sure it's time!

attaching some pics.

what do you think?


Well-Known Member
They look great you will soon be enjoying some decent smoke :bigjoint: , and I am sorry I would not know to tell you if they are good to harvest, as I am also new to growing but the wise folk all talk about 50:50 amber to cloudy trichs . Was wondering did you get around to transplanting the plants or are they still in the 10L Airpots, just asking cause I am in the process of buying a few more Air Pots and trying to work out if 10Ls are enough or if I should go for 15-20L.