1st Grow - cabinet, bagseed, cfls


Well-Known Member
You got the heat issue out of the way, but now, how will you fix the uhm.. growing like a mo' fucker problem? Well, not problem, but where do you plan on it flourishing? hps will make your plants grow So much faster than cfl, and I'm conserned that your space is uhm.. spacious enough. But you've done evrything perfect on last grow, and you seem to find ways around everything, so I'm sure you'll figure it out.

project fuoro

Well-Known Member
I see you have some 10-60-10. What rate did you give them when they were flowering? In the past I used that, and never had any problems, but it seems that advances in growing have shown maybe its a bit too much, but who knowS!?

I dig the setup. CFL can be productive!


Well-Known Member
good to see hope down the road for my cfl daylight bulbs. i got one 23W CFL, now i guess i need a couple more like ya have there. Any tips on wiring like in a daisy chain you did there?? I eventually want to tap into my upstairs closet's electricity and setup in the attic through that closet. I can access the wiring of the closet fixture from the attic, I just don't know how to wire it.. any ideas??


Well-Known Member
I've never seen such a small space used so efficiently for marijuana growth. Congratulations!
What wattage were each of the CFL's in there? Twenty-somethings?


Well-Known Member
at the risk of sounding like a newb (which i am, and will be for quite some time); can you flower a plant anytime?

are there certain strains that cant be matured quickly?

does quicker maturation affect the quality of the bud?


Well-Known Member
at the risk of sounding like a newb (which i am, and will be for quite some time); can you flower a plant anytime?

are there certain strains that cant be matured quickly?

does quicker maturation affect the quality of the bud?
First off, people on this forum are incredibly helpful and sympathetic. I started using Rollitup when I was just another white gangster dealing weed in Philly, and I figured out that as long as you're polite, you'll get more of the same in return. Most if not all of the people on here are willing to realize that they were first-timers once as well.
Anyway, on to your question. Put simply, no; you cannot flower at any time.
Allowing vegetative growth affects the quality of the bud as well as, to a lesser degree, the amount of bud in the ultimate yield. Allowing an extended vegetative growth, around twice the normal vegetative growth, has some surprising effect on the rest of the grow. However, flowering after a few weeks usually isn't a problem.
Some strains are renowned for early flowering, but very few have particularly extensive vegetative periods.

P.S.: I really like your avatar joint.