1st Grow, CFL Bagseed in Dresser


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if done correctly it gives you two main "tops" or two main colas. there are many tutorials all over this site that goes onto great detail, I just know the simple basics.


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Update! Watered her again, she is starting to chug more and more water, and I can see more and more bud development each day. I try to open the box once every other day, just so the time doesn't creep by any more.

First picture: this is a close up of some of her pistils growing.

Next picture is another shot of more pistils, she looks like this at almost every bud site, really starting to fill in like crazy!

Wanted to get another picture of her from the top to show all of her bud sites, as well as get her out of her box so I can really get over her.


While she was out I took a few pictures of a couple of her branches to show how much she has put energy out to fill out her branches instead of recovering where I cut her. Each picture is one branch, notice the multiple bud sites on each branch :-o


Not too much else to update on, I keep tucking fan leaves on the days I tend to her so that I can expose the branches as much as possible. I am really trying to make up for having to cut her, and she seems to be responding well. Each time I tuck her leaves I swear I feel like I didn't even tuck them a couple days before, she's growing a ton! Last picture is of her in her box, as well as a clone that I decided to put into the box last night, don't expect much from it if anything.


Let's hear it guys!


Looks great. How many weeks have you been flowering now? I've been lurking for awhile now just taking in all I can. Hoping I can get as good of a result as you are showing.


Active Member
I switched her lights on march 4th and she showed her pistils on march 19th, so she's been flowering for almost two weeks now and in 12/12 for almost 4 weeks.


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Hey guys, another update for you, been a few days due to traveling around while I have work off. Have a few pictures from Monday, havent been able to get online to share them until today though. She's coming along nicely and I am getting more and more excited by the day to see her mature!

Here are a couple of pictures of her top view, and check out all those buds popping up! I was pretty stoked to see that when I opened up her door.


Couple of closer in shots of a couple of the top buds, tried to get close enough to show her sugar but my phone isn't THAT good haha.


Now we have a couple of side shots of a couple of her buds, just trying to get a little closer in, again, phone isn't a real camera.


Last couple of pictures are to show her width, and to show her stalk as well, she's got quite the stalk for an indoor plant (in my first grow opinion)


Thanks for checking in again guys, will get a few more pictures up tomorrow or the next day when I water her again.



Active Member
Picture update for ya! Watered her again today, this time with no nutes. I am trying to not use nutes too much as when I originally started this grow I wanted to go organic with just backyard dirt. The nutes are more to keep the plant healthy rather than get a bigger yield (though that is an obvious positive bonus.)

Have a few of the normal shots, top view to see her bud sites and her to continue to get bushier and bushier. Oh and BTW, one of the clones that I took I gave up on, was pretty much dead, and the one in the pictures is starting to show some roots, but I am not giving it too much care, seeing how tough she is.

Another picture of her top, but to show how close she is to my lights. From little sprout to now I have found ways to keep the lights at about this distance the entire time, and it has seemed to work great so far!

I am pretty excited about these next few pictures, some bud porn for you all! I take all my pictures on my camera phone so I can't get the full effect of all the sugar on these leaves, but if you can see it on these pictures you can imagine how it already looks in person, with so much time left in flower too! Third picture is what I think is a good shot of the bud sites underneath that are extra crystally as well. :weed:

She seems to be growing very well right now, I am stoked beyond belief on how lucky I have been so far on my VERY FIRST seed that I have ever tried. Hoping she continues to grow like this all the way through harvest, I am planning on doing a dark period at the very end right before I cut her, anyone have advice on how long, or what to do?

Last few pictures are just a few zoomed out pictures of her in her box with her clone sister, and you can see my dresser she is in as well.

Thanks for stopping by!



Well-Known Member
Looking good!!! You made me grab some of that Panda. How do you like it? Is it better than mylar too you?


Active Member
Looking good!!! You made me grab some of that Panda. How do you like it? Is it better than mylar too you?
too be honest I have no experience with mylar so I'm not sure. When i was starting to get everything together for this grow I wasn't worried about yield or anything, just wanted to get a seed sprouted so I bought what was cheaper at my local grow shop. I was actually planning on getting some mylar but the panda has been working just fine for me. The hardest part for me was struggling to outsmart the large sheet of panda while I was trying to cut and fit it to my box, of course a little higher than i probably should have been while working with tools haha.

I am starting to get ready for my next grow, thinking of making a little grow op while I go through to process of getting my card. I am thinking of doing a perpetual grow using my current dresser. Was going to construct myself a true flowering chamber with more vertical space as well as a glorified cardboard veg chamber. Was gonna have about 6-10 sprouts going in the veg box for just a couple of weeks, move all but a couple of the females to the dresser to go right into 12/12 and get a bunch of little plants while growing out through a real cycle and not so quick to 12/12. Was gonna keep one as a mother so that I can continue to put clones into the cardboard box and restart the whole process with the clones. Even though I am rambling about my plans we are still a few weeks out from that, gotta focus my energy on my very first seed while she finishes.

Quick update about my bush, she has started to show just a few amber colored hairs throughout the buds, guessing she still has about 5-6 more weeks until I harvest, but I will be posting more pics within the next couple of days!


Well-Known Member
Looking good so far man. I like the way those leaves look, I just finished 3 bagseed plants myself (1 is still flowering) and I was pretty happy with how mine turned out. Never know what you are gonna get.

Anyways about the dark period basically anything over 12-24 hours works, just do not harvest in daylight because it will increase your cure and decrease thc. Also there was a study of comparing plants with harvest at the end of the day opposed to 72 hours of darkness and some had up to 30% more THC. So most grower go with 72 hours. I just go with 24+. Last plant I did about 55 hours. I recommend 36+

Keep it nice and green like you have been and you will not be let down.


Active Member
Looking good so far man. I like the way those leaves look, I just finished 3 bagseed plants myself (1 is still flowering) and I was pretty happy with how mine turned out. Never know what you are gonna get.

Anyways about the dark period basically anything over 12-24 hours works, just do not harvest in daylight because it will increase your cure and decrease thc. Also there was a study of comparing plants with harvest at the end of the day opposed to 72 hours of darkness and some had up to 30% more THC. So most grower go with 72 hours. I just go with 24+. Last plant I did about 55 hours. I recommend 36+

Keep it nice and green like you have been and you will not be let down.
hey man thanks for that! glad to hear you got some good bagseed as well. I was thinking about doing a 36+ hour dark period, i had read a lot of positive things about that time period. I also decided that I have had to b so patient with this plant thus far so why try to rush it at the end. Decided to go with the long dark period and then I will take my time curing it, want to be as patient as I have been, it's helped me so far so if it can add that extra 30% of thc it'll continue to be worth it :)