1st Grow - CFL KB Seeds w/ Pics


Well-Known Member
Haha sick man thats gonna be a crazy grow soon. I havent germinated my seeds yet that I got, I need to build a seperate box for veggin/clones... expand this operation a bit haha

I bought 2 more lights today. 45w (150w)

That's exactly what I've got to do too! I def need to set up seperate spaces so I can have my every other week harvest thing goin on........

My only problem is I don't have the room in my room for a seperate box..... Maybe I'll build it and put it out in the shed and just use that as my veg/clone box since the lights will be on 24/7 I wont have to worry about the temps getting too cold for them...

And good deal with the extra lights- they'll def help out...

I'm seein a lil bulkin up on my Lil GurlI think she's got another 2 maybe 3 weeks left before her chop down.