1st grow...close up pics. Is it almost done???

REALLY!!! It started flowering last week of july, or first week august. I was hoping end of september she would be ready.


Well-Known Member
Not near done, about 4-5weeks.
Almost ll your hairs should turn brown/red. Only a few white hairs.

Bueno Time

Well-Known Member
Atleast 3 weeks for sure but id guess 4 if not even 5 weeks. Itll be worth the wait ya just gotta hang in there! ;)
Thanks to everyone, Info very helpful....I still dont get it people who use marijuana so friendly & chill 95% of the time and yet its illegal. Alcohol is legal and doesnt have they same effect and kills millions....our country is missing something!


Well-Known Member
Thanks to everyone, Info very helpful....I still dont get it people who use marijuana so friendly & chill 95% of the time and yet its illegal. Alcohol is legal and doesnt have they same effect and kills millions....our country is missing something!

Ya millions in tax dollars!


when the plants showed their sex you may have confused this with the start of the flowering period... another month...