1st grow closet setup advice and feedback PLEASE


Well-Known Member
Ok so im starting my first closet grow on a bit of a Budget at the moment but have have been working hard for MJ she needs some nice things too!!!
so the specs are
2x2 ft by 4ft hight mylar lined box with a side intake vent and box fan placed inside in front of the vent for extra air intake with a 5 1/2 in diameter fan on top of box

and all the INERDS are ....
125 watt 64,000k compact fluorescent in a sun system bat wing
a 150watt HPs 16,000 lumens and
a side just regular lamp socket compact flourescent daylight 58,000k if I remeber correctly for a lil side boost

a 4 plant highly oxygenated hydroponic system by garden of ease
and thats it basically loooking for any input advice possibly help who knows dont have anyone in person i can ask lol


Active Member
flora nova is a easy one part but has 2 additives you can buy to go with it but i would fill the whole tub with the balls and let your roots roam free good luck keeo us posted


Well-Known Member
hey thanks for posting i actually have ionic grow hard water for the vegetative state and im actually just growing them until i can choose 4 plants to transplant into the system just want to make sure their is a healthy root network before i do so but really new at nutrients so help is always welcome


Well-Known Member
I say from experience, that you are better off with more, lower wattage than fewer, higher wattage bulbs. Not only for heat reasons(my 55 watt CFL is way to warm for my liking), but you can get more light coverage, and if one bulb dies, its not that much of a hit to you total lumens.

If you still need lights, and i am a receint convert, get a 45 watt LED pannel. They are about $125 but they are full spectrum, give the equvilant of 1000 watts from a HDL, barely any head, and the bulbs take YEARS to burn out with no declination of light output.

Unless you flower your plants when they are very small, your area will not be big enough for more than 3 plants. Also, cardboard is a terrible building material for a grow box. It harbors mold and is rather flamable and not very strong, esp when it gets moist.


Well-Known Member
my box isnt cardboard its a hard cedar and as of now the canopy temp is at 75 and just transplanted them into humbry cups until they have a strong enough root system to support themselves also added an airstone and pump to the water reservoir to oxygenate it as well as bought a co2 boost and added it to the space


Well-Known Member
but thanks for the hit up im doing the hps already invested the money so stuck but the two cfls should be good


Active Member
listen to them and what ever feels right to you always works good. but less heat is always one less thing for 1st time grower to deal with. read all you can ,you have info, you have more to work with, but don't stress just have fun


Well-Known Member
oh believe me im having fun and i have been learning a lot i have been researching growing for the past 3 years so i have knowledge u just cant but experience hence why u to to RIU and its community so ...


Well-Known Member
what are the differences between nutrient burn and light burn special distinctions between the two in the seedling stage and especially when it on the very tips of the leaves? help appreciated
Howdy. You said you had a grow room 2x2 x4 and where running 150W HPS Correct and that you were cooling it buy mean of a vent with a box fan?
I have a grow box 3x3 x4 with the exact same means of cooling i would like to buy a 150W HPS but have been MAJORLY worried about heat.
My question is what type of temp's are you able maintain inside your grow cab ? Also what type of temps do you have in the room your cab is located in.
I know you came here looking for advice not so much to give it but i have been looking for this info for days and would be GREATLY APPRECIATIVE of any help you can offer!
THANK YOU in advance


Well-Known Member
not a problem at i actually went shopping last night and legitimized it a lot the canopy temp is at 81 at the moment trying to increase the co2 usage and absorbstion i had a lil burning on a few leaf tips but moved the light up like 3 inches and we are perfectly fine the room its in is a coset id say like 8x5 and it does get kinda warm in there i just leave the door open so it hasnt been bad plus its winter any other question just let me know ill post all the upgrade pics on mon


New Member
heat stress this is typically exhibited by browning starting on the outside of the fingers and working its way inward. This may also be accompanied by leaf edges curling upwards. The distinction is that on the nute burn, only the tip has started to brown. This is the first signs of nute burn, which should be followed by a flush.

heat stress nute burn



Well-Known Member
ok hard roc thanks for the update and infor the ppm of the water at the moment is 412 and the side water reserve basically the batched i mixed up to top it off is 289 ppm and ph of 6.8-7